Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Wall

Pernicious habits I seek to destroy,

Inquire my reasons a pseudo decoy,

Prevaricate around for the truth defines,

Morose of late yet my will declines,

Thoughts focus on all who sleep at night,

As I lay awake with eyes full of spite,

Brush away the feeling by building a wall,

To separate me from all those who call,

Jeering whispers seep through the cracks,

Stabbing with abasement I cannot relax,

Creeping cooling the bricks I lay,

Stone is heavy yet I pile the fray,

Why bother to think of suicidal brink,

The crime is punishment enough to sink,

Unruly demeanor with nonchalant glimmer,

Glisten in the light a sword naked in rage,

Blood stains are fresh a wild dog in a cage,

Sheathe the fury to keep the blade at bay,

Far too dangerous to live that way,

Brilliant explosion brings praise from sheep,

Too green to know what sorrow I reap,

So long goodbye maybe one day we will see eye to eye

Monday, December 13, 2010


Each step holds a mystery that's new to me,

Reap the rewards yet it all falls drearily,

Can't quite quench the quintessential thirst,

Is this all there is to my existence,

A pursuit of an end to which I will transcend,

Transport to a plane of mundane but I refrain,

Borders on insane but I still play the game,

Doses to my brain of alcohol so vain,

No matter how inebriated I be I still see,

The scanner darkly I only want a visual clearly,

Venom dirges plague yet I carry on to save,

Redeem that spark that I once saw yet so dark,

Filled with animosity to the constant hypocrisy,

Want one thing yet claim to love another,

Smother the sin with the wicked burdens within,

Sometimes I think a deathwish on the brink,

Perhaps the end will justify the means,

Tearing me apart at the seams,

Pull it slow for I will echo below,

A shadow stalking with harmless talking,

Yet it repels all acquisition calm precision,

I laugh at the offense yet hate still relents,

Stabbing my heart like a dart false start,

Spread the love but it falls see through,

Transparent to the apparent abhorrent,

Maybe one day it will make sense,

The devil fosters torrents till I break currents

Thursday, December 9, 2010

First day on the job

Awake after short slumber thoughts tumble,

Rise to the moonlit bike ride steady stride,

Headlights daze my vision brutal collision,

Earphones blaring sounds soul baring,

Bushes stir to my left I jump at the prospect,

Just the same figure of stone cold trigger,

Arrive to the task with my key empty flask,

Alarm springs cacophony why is this happening,

They gave me the key for entry but no way to calm sentry,

Get on the phone to call for help throw me a bone,

Ring after ring no answer 3 am is a cancer,

Finally I get a response but alarm cancels with taunts,

The line is dead so I grab the cell to my head,

Once again reach connection but realize dire section,

Cops pull into parking lot with guns strapped to blow me up,

Don't shoot I work here never mind my dark exterior,

Heat at the ready they shout get the fuck out,

Near fatal mistake I walk into their guns life forsake,

They back up in a panic screaming WO WO all frantic,

Hand them my cell to prevent shortcut to hell,

Manager straightens up the confusion calm persuasion,

I get the alarm code and am scolded for god who knows,

Heart racing a million miles a minute all up in it,

Now it's time to start my shift all the shit I put up with

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Silent War

Stir up this stew with a wooden spoon,

Splinters break off and spell my doom,

Spark the pilot to heat up this anger,

Bottled up till now I sense danger,

Play off my rhythm skeletal schism,

View clouded through vortex prism,

A glass to an end it seeks to spend,

Pour away the tired will descend,

One day in the distant future I see,

All that is dealt will die before me,

Or will I go first sickening thirst,

Regardless of it all I fly but stall,

Engines overloaded commence free fall,

Administer gases to calm the thrall,

Lashes rip against a granite wall,

Bashes of my head I shake when they call,

Useless to fight give in to the plight,

Acquiesce defeat and say they were right,

For the sake of sanity discontinue calamity,

Meet my maker and whatever they plan for me

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Take me back to a time long ago,

Trapped in a cell of blackened snow,

Crystals form on the roof of my memory,

Slanting awkward with poisonous symphony,

Sit and speculate what path I will take,

Reclining while I wander in wonder's wake,

Take a break from this forlorn task,

Escape to my sanctuary of cleansing glass,

Surpass the worries that plague within,

Exhale the sorrow that comes with sin,

Listless for a while but it slowly fades,

Apathy to all things the iron curtain saves,

Drawn over thick the safety of it all,

Ignore the time that I must watch to fall,

I shall enjoy this moment with a clear head,

Before I return to the task which I dread,

Relax and listen for the music is bliss,

Strums a chord in my soul I will miss,

Play it over in my mind even after I depart,

Ghastly ghouls take turns to tear me apart,

Over too soon I want to stay longer in this cocoon,

But I know it is time to wake from this dream,

To walk down this road and all those between

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mask of Defeat

A show of courage to mask defeat,

Ample persona to a stolid retreat,

Escape in dreams to break through with force,

Subtle signs the mind steers on course,

Close proximity where normally so far,

The enormity of calamity I cannot mar,

The face that is shown is only a glimmer,

The truth of self slowly grows dimmer,

Change the innocence to abrupt corrupt,

A caged malevolence will soon erupt,

It is the face on the surface that we show,

Others will see what we want them to know,

A lie to oneself is the greatest mistake,

Be true to your instincts or forever forsake

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Everything isn't enough

Spread me thin like your favorite jam,

I will lend a hand whenever I can,

Appease them and rarely get to myself,

Take a step but retreat back to my shelf,

High expectations you know I will try,

Break down the barriers and pile them high,

Ask me for anything the shirt off my back,

I would even give you that which I lack,

Because I can't quite make up for how selfish I've been,

Dosing my brain with apathy with reckless abandon

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Trace the wires bound to cause,

Ripples in belief gaping maws,

Exist on this plane of anonymity,

Shrouded by obscurity lyrically,

Eyes narrow with the dim glow,

Although I can see more clearly,

Nearly exhausted continue wearily,

My path is unpaved yet I am unscathed,

Escaped the torture tents waylaid,

Count the blessings of disaster stayed,

Emerge from the inferno of speculation,

Analytical reservation claims my station,

Await the epiphany with lackluster symphony,

Pins and needles riddle me with no difficulty,

A spine retract as the horrors reap reflect,

This shield is sturdy a crisis is checked


A mind that twists with every motion,

Convince myself that I am choking,

Nocebo I think at first but who knows,

The hypochondria tragically grows,

Am I creating this disease or is it real,

Manifest uncertainty it all seems surreal,

Floating in an abyss of my own creation,

Still waters boil into explosion,

Positive thoughts turn corrupt,

Any effort to sustain runs amuck,

Evidence crystal clear succumb to fear,

Focus on the solution ever so near,

How many pieces can I let fall away,

Search for the elusive answers astray,

What is left when I look in the mirror,

A ghostly visage of someone I once held dear

Sunday, November 14, 2010

At least we got good parking

A scene so clean I manipulate the dream,

Cast off doubt and reveal how obscene,

Linger a moment but don't stray far,

Eclipse the wisdom and reduce to char,

Ashes disperse as the cold wind blows,

Who knows where this road actually goes,

Dodge the fire that strikes from rose,

A fragile dragon at first turns hostile,

The armor cracks and starts to buckle,

Onslaught onset with casual dismissal,

Visceral reaction subdue the riddle,

Ask myself time and time again,

Why pursue when this is not my end,

An alien surrounded by constant normality,

Abstract reality collides with society,

What is the result when all just lie to me,

Shallow existence with arrogant mentality

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ground Zero

Unleash fury as targets shelter scurry,

Falling phantoms reap fire clearly,

Clouds so hot they scorch the skin,

Catalysts spark ignite explosion,

Burn through matter glass shatter,

Run but can't escape mad hatter,

Chasing quick as holes erupt thick,

Take cover but it blows apart too,

Glance to the sides think what to do,

Comrades in arms without their arms,

Blasted to pieces no lucky charms,

Crawl on the ground to seek safety,

Shrapnel rips through so easily,

Why can't I get up no matter how hard I try,

Lying in the dust as storm clouds roil by

Monday, November 8, 2010

Invincible Threat

Cast your head toward the sky,

Black clouds loom lurking by,

Rend our defenses completely senseless,

A storm of swords has swerved off course,

Chaos unravel the threads of time,

Winding down the breaking line,

The more you fight the more it constricts,

Choking the essence and all betwixt,

Eyes go wide as the blade descends,

Harking heavy to cleanse our sins,

A mortal wound that is well deserved,

Unnerve the riddles the jester curved,

Wrapped around a finger all hopes decay,

Wasted the effort the cause fell astray,

Wash away the poison lest allow betray,

Sire the bringer of death today,

For my sword can't fight this unseen phantom,

The invincible threat stands our faith abandon

Downward Dirge

Slithering silk sings softly still,

Withering wilts with wind wake will,

Power plays placate pure position,

Violate visions vex vile volition,

Wishing why won't worry weaken,

Leaves linger listless life lesson,

Myriad martyrs make mortal mistakes,

Fickle felons fool faster for fakes,

Humans hold hate hints horror honed,

Bringer bans barren bold bitter boned,

Gaping grins give gritty grimace,

Soul sinks slow sorrow surely sickness

Game of Life

Paint our faces with red like blood,

Stir the fear as our boots thud,

March across the field with murderous course,

The enemy will rally to deter our force,

Break away before impact to sow confusion,

Goal in sight with calm precision,

The teeth will fly as bodies fall dead,

Bones will snap from toe to head,

Serve the cause with bloodthirsty laws,

Grind the hate in deep without a pause,

An eye for an eye and blood for blood,

The rivers of death calamitous flood,

Assassin on the brink when riot ensue,

Shoot the arrow as flesh rips through,

Victory is life and defeat only death,

Walk away when nobody is left,

For to play by their rules is to already lose,

Movers and shakers hang the world by a noose

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Set phasers to stoned

Can you hear that roaring sound,

Like a rocket taking off from the ground,

High as a kite destination the moon,

Shot after shot sobriety leaves soon,

Shotgun a beer for good measure,

A couple bong tokes for my leisure,

Wobbling as I'm walking down the street,

Step by step I can't even see my feet,

What fantastic world is this before me,

Still climbing this toxic cloud slowly,

Floating in bliss thoughts scramble won't miss,

Form a sentence with slurs slipping senses,

I think I'll pull the brakes on this cruise,

Chilling in space absent formal excuse

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

As good as it gets

Awake from slumber as thoughts tumble,

Hello reality nice to meet you,

Been gone for a time without a clue,

Let me wash my face this dirty disgrace,

The black rot slips away from this place,

Eddies of darkness a spiral of fate,

Languid and leery of shadow checkmate,

Take your time there is no rush friend,

So many levels of hell we have yet to descend,

What awaits beyond that looming gate of doom,

Carrion swarm quickens like blood flower bloom,

The hands fall away the angel is vacant,

Greetings to remnant revenant with wide tooth grin,

Wicked whispers soaked in swirls of sin,

Absent the counter the mind swims in the muck,

Steadily drowning as thoughts turn corrupt,

Gasp for air yet only hate seeps in,

Shrouded in evils that lounge within,

Take a moment to see as the ocean swallows me,

Lying awake with my bitter reality

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Venom Decision

Mortal affliction a slow decay,

Born one day and drift away,

Here to stay but time swings betray,

Pendulum rock steady with thunder dismay,

Mind the hurricane of turbulent wax,

Tracks unclear yet follow mishaps,

Counting down as the sheep steadily drown,

Round the town with a cyclical sound,

Spinning and grinning take it in stride,

Ride the waves of the coming tide,

If the decision turns venom take a step back,

Renew the attack after pause reaps reflect,

Reject the inertia I will halt my motion,

Frozen in place yet the world picks up pace,

The wind may crash yet the statue stone still,

Brutal brings bash barely born at will,

If the world does end no more time to kill

Monday, November 1, 2010

Shooting Star in the Grass

Thoughts swim in anguish so close yet so far,

To count the times like a penny in a jar,

Stabbing my heart like a stake in the mud,

Lustful whispers of voices dull thud,

Silky smooth I freeze in your presence,

Weary of anxiety yet my courage relents,

A brief glimpse of every occasion I see,

The chances for flesh seem to fly over me,

Why can't I speak it's as if I am dead,

Words normally flow free but now hide in my head,

No job to mention no scholastic pursuit,

What answers to give with an honest man's boot,

I curse this plague that eats my mind,

Reaping seeds of sorrow with teeth that grind,

One day I will be healthy and strong,

I'll have my career and write my song,

No longer afflicted with an empty life,

To have that which I've wanted maybe even a wife,

Eventually a family that I can provide,

To see them grow I will swell with pride,

I focus on the future these hopes held dear,

Try not to worry and succumb to fear,

For life is a journey so fast and so brief,

Tis better to enjoy my time than wallow in grief

Isla Vista

A train deliver destination true,

A Halloween night near ocean so blue,

The sun will set the streets are full,

The sea of people with anarchy to rule,

Scantily clad costumes half-naked bliss,

Walk and you'll see a time not to miss,

Alcohol flows like the rivers of creation,

A wall of liquor to quench a nation,

Next stop study hall till we drop,

Head back to the pad to rise on top,

Unexpected depart we just got here,

Oh well maybe I'll have better luck next year

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It feels good to die

Will they ever see the eyes that bleed to perceive,

Doubt feeds the sounds of shadows pouncing to grieve,

I wipe the tears of countless fears left for years,

Yet the infinite spark dims every passing day,

Dismay laced with hope yet it all falls away,

Fading and racing for answers that grow ever distant,

The faster you travel the farther they go,

Ever so long the pit echoes below,

A stark contrast to the pain in my grasp,

Hold on for dear life through slander and strife,

The edge of a knife gripped by my throat,

Don't choke for your words if you can't cope,

Struggling for air as I hang by the rope

The Sea

Random decision of mortal friction,

An angel a glimpse of pure volition,

Observe surroundings for clever sounding,

State that which I claim to be astounding,

A slight laugh I see the shot's path,

A direct hit but will charm cause submit,

Falter with the passing seconds I stumble descends,

Inaction feeds sorrow of the time left to borrow,

Will I die before the angel's spirit soar,

Fingers gone cold with no warmth to hold,

A heart withers sick no soul to join with,

What if I chose other words instead of obvious,

Apprehensive to reject yet I regret absence attempt,

Shake off the worry the fish are plenty,

Swimming for years to find open ears,

Clip my wings the angel finally sings,

But then I will wonder what this new life brings

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Thoughts flow as my will echoes below,

Release in surges like venom dirges,

Dip the tongue in wax pure syntax,

Slither so smooth like cold contacts,

Can't relax got beasts scopin my tracks,

Probin for weakness like illicit suspects,

Unless of course I evade all scrutiny,

Vanish from reality victimless cruelty,

Surely I'll stumble with constant rumble,

Tipsy from the outlets that cause mumble,

Stop to freeze an alarm on the breeze,

Race through options with heart sieze,

Can't relate all topics stagnate,

Purge the hate with a fine tooth comb,

Whether wicked or a saint die alone

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Climbing the frozen mountain slow,

Steps sink surely softly in snow,

Pace creeps late a will shallow,

Brace for avalanche with death shadow,

Approach the peak but it forms a chasm,

Jump the cliff born free phantasm,

Law will state the line must snap,

Leap too short to bridge the gap,

Tumble in darkness with no foothold,

Reach for release from grip so cold,

A shooting star fallen to earth,

For once was gold now has no worth

Sunday, October 10, 2010


So long and thanks for all the fish,

Fly through space a hitchhiker's wish,

A guide for the universe a trusty towel,

Some deep thought ponder life's trial,

Don't panic no matter what you do,

The meaning of life is number forty-two

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Whistle a rider of usual pass,

Catch a lift of unstrung caste,

Risk the neck for truth prospect,

The details the way to find object,

Perhaps a solution born in reunion,

The facts have lies woven chameleon,

Survey the scene after all have been,

Discover the clues that lie therein,

Present my case to the good doctor,

Chronicler of deeds a dutiful jotter,

What do you see from your keen glance,

Ah but you've missed crucial evidence,

The signs are clear I have the proof,

A villain to fear no longer aloof,

The web is spread to catch the flies,

Clip their wings imminent demise,

Retire to the fire to sit and relax,

A cry at the door with muddy tracks,

Surely I will listen this tale so dire,

But first come in and sit by the fire

Thursday, September 23, 2010


How can I sleep with a mind so wicked,

Haunting images of death afflicted,

Possessed by a demon a tragic victim,

All I see are the body parts strewn,

The visceral visage spawn horror cocoon,

Pieces on the bed and some on the floor,

Cross the threshold and open the door,

More blood and death rotten to the core,

He said a box cutter was found by the body,

I couldn't bring myself to see,

I wanted to preserve the memory,

Only to think of the brighter times,

Push out this darkness left behind,

Turn to leave and the devil walks before me,

Black shirt steps in but I can't speak,

I've lost the ability to even breathe,

Awake from the hell where those thoughts dwell,

Plagued by the carnage of self-inflicted slaughter,

Infinite pain for the demon's victim was my father

Monday, September 20, 2010


March to that beat cold retreat,

Blindfold the captive inactive,

Walk this plank by the sword,

Steps seem loose excuse must soar,

Quick wit words thick sink ship,

Hold the breath for one last sip,

Trickle and flow the poison below,

Welcome the danger of horror show,

Rip the reason with blunt treason,

A lie to the face of self pace,

With the bitter wind climb look away,

Fill the void with something else today

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tower of 1,000 Corpses

Who am I at the top of the tower,

Patrol these grounds with vicious power,

In my teeth I hold a skeleton key,

It opens the doors that lay before me,

One thousand evils are locked away,

Screaming my torment just another day,

Greetings my friends what horrors await,

No not yet wait your turn at the gate,

Some have fangs with blood soaked grimace,

Others are mutants with psycho menace,

Pay me a visit more often it seems,

Ripping my mind to pieces in dreams,

I tire of this floor I will descend my darkness,

Each step holds the bones of memory's harvest,

Ghouls of seething hatred fill the halls,

Spilling more blood for flesh torn crawls,

More of the same your futile attempts bore me,

All you know are splintered bodies with heads rolling,

Am I at the deepest hell so soon,

The walls are coated with pink flesh cocoon,

Only one cell remains I scream with elation,

What monster awaits to claim my station,

A door slams shut I turn to see,

I am the vilest creature the warden is me

Inevitable Downfall

I stare at my pen asking for inspiration,

The black ink dances with every stroke,

Shining for a moment then becomes dry & dull,

Search this jagged skull for one decent poem,

No wisdom to show them for life is barren,

I hold onto a sliver of hope that times change,

Perhaps in one hundred years I won't seem so strange,

But then I will be long dead with all I said,

The social pariah left to rot in lonely mire,

Death is my sire to teach me a lesson,

Will I obey or leave the reaper guessing,

Care not what others think or so I thought,

Fear that I've wrought for once forgot,

This streetlight was bright just a moment ago,

Now it turns black as my footsteps echo below,

What is this world a beautiful decay,

To which I descend the river of flames I lay,

Burning alive or maybe I was already dead,

With one million holes drilled into my head

My Children

Wounds too fresh to express distress,

I still see her eyes go gray,

The cancer had eaten her away,

Decision falls to me I must release her,

What is right I can't allow her to suffer,

In the final weeks she knew I was the one,

The only soul to see she was done,

Come with me and rest a while,

Too young to die so hard to say goodbye,

That night I had troubling dreams,

Kali was alive as a living apparition,

To visit my mind to consent submission,

A vision she shared of my love's future,

Darwin was sick and I had to let him go,

He lost hair and had grown deformed,

His desperate meow brings tearful storm,

Will I have the strength to grant him rest,

How impossible this pain I won't survive the test

Inner Torment

Sometimes I just sit & laugh,

At how funny it is the tragic path,

Humorous at the times I miss,

So new to this stumbling ruinous,

I laugh I cry some days I want to die,

At the bottom of a pit I refuse to submit,

I raise my head and force a smile,

Focus on good thoughts for a while,

The evil persists begging to slash my wrists,

Derisive demons dwell deeper down,

Soothing suicidal sin cements sound,

Waves wash waxing will wither wind,

Voluptuous vortex vex vehement viral,

Tales to torment till timber tranquil

Wedding Song

Walk the aisle with glowing smile,

Sacred holy of love's eternal glory,

Dressed in white angelic light,

Stars will twinkle ever so bright,

Vow to love with all of the above,

Spread your wings and exchange rings,

A toast to honor these living dreams,

Woven together with diamond seams,

Share a kiss and dance in bliss,

The first day of a beautiful song,

Two hearts entwine forever young

Monday, August 23, 2010


Abdicate this bloody throne,

Sons take the reins alone,

Honeyed words from snakes in the grass,

The youngest speaks true but it seems crass,

Banish the truth it offends to hear,

Watch as hope walks out all held dear,

The snake slithers up your spine,

Snaps in half hapless decline,

A warlord who trampled enemies no mercy,

Expects his kin to prove themselves worthy,

Ghosts from the past rise up to claim,

All the riches are sold as well as fame,

Try to retain a fragment of respect,

Those once trusted keep you in check,

Pick apart your flesh while you still live,

Taken for granted all your flesh did give,

One by one the allies disappear,

Till you are confronted by your greatest fear,

Seek refuge in lands once conquered,

Evil sons rally to sow their dishonor,

The clouds loom ominous as death approach,

A wicked wind spawns demon reproach,

Walls tumble as the fortress burns to ash,

Sole survivor with no means to crash,

Madness stricken the enemies will spare,

Desolate dirge to sing in despair,

Apparitions of foes once slain arise,

Tear at your mind like carrion flies,

A beacon of light as the good son takes flight,

Task to reunite with a father in plight,

Armies will rally to seek for blood,

A sniper reaps doom with drowning flood,

The house collapses as everyone dies,

A blind man on the precipice with torn out eyes


Time of my life I wonder,

Will I ever see end of thunder,

Think back when I had that chance,

As if I was ready at a glance,

Too naive to see pattern delicate weave,

Slipping as always to find brighter byways,

Always drifting ever sifting for that gem,

Us or them a turbulent bitter end,

Eclipse existence with my pen,

Risk to believe why or when,

Drop of a hat with climax zen

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Measure the width of a fallen list,

Add the spice to splice my wrist,

Rotten as it screams for attention,

Ignore the pain I focus intention,

Sight catches a beauty from afar,

Stumble clumsy get hit by a car,

Or a train it seems to smash my dreams,

Obliterate that tiny shred that's left,

Erase existence I laugh at the prospect,

Insane instead I choose to be,

Walk happily as the thoughts lash insanity,

Rock back and forth with a macabre rhythm,

Death is my wingman we travel the living,

Send a greeting but it wilts and dies,

Slash my tires the wheels spark lies,

The road narrows as I swerve off course,

Fight for control but it just gets worse,

Take a breath and assume new identity,

Misdirect preconception reality,

The world is my oyster no denying me

As I sit

Long ago I dealt in sorrow,

Task was clear easy to follow,

The day grows gray the longer I stay,

How strange I think of her still,

Knew so little yet my mind won't relent,

Take for granted all the time I spent,

Her thoughts are whispers evermore,

Dwell on wrongs or rights that soar,

The memory leaves me in a perilous state,

As if I can rekindle the sting of late,

Why must I sit in contemplation,

I ask the meaning of brief elation,

Ever so fleeting but I will never stop feeling

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Once upon a death

Arms pinned I wear this jacket,

Threat to self in every facet,

Wear it now with gaping smile,

Cross the mile with ember trial,

Insane of thought I act distraught,

Dwell on have not but not what I've got,

The fire will burn to scorch all I've wrought,

Fester within to consume all my sin,

I see the world with crystal clear vision,

Blind to self with death disease ridden,

Fading faster as the day grows old,

Future unknown as the story is told


Create a lesson for times of war,

Devotion to duty our spirits soar,

A hero conquers evil in every facet,

Impasses form how will they surpass it,

Circumstance of ill earned enemy,

The epitome of humanity's cruelty,

Frothing tempers a volcanic climax,

Edge of life with bitter attacks,

The truth left lax languid lilacs,

Flimsy at best with brutal perplex,

Stern demeanor dealt deftly cleaver,

Heart is splinter as bodies wither,

Cascade the blood with steel teeth,

Ripping open any hopes beneath,

A slain enemy at your feet


Subtle link our dreams on the brink,

Fly away to a common destination,

Tales of misfits on tribulation,

One is taken far out to space,

Never to be seen no trace,

Stranded outland of death's embrace,

Those left behind continue the race,

The spark of life will soon blossom,

Diligent duties daunting dim crossing,

Rehash the memory of those we lost,

Infinite price with haunting cost

Monday, August 16, 2010


Rhythm decision of constant numb feeling,

Stake is driven rain brutal misgiving,

Forfeit the object eternal neglect,

Fame through blood bitter prospect,

Courage to purge mortal dirge,

Rake the disease infectious surge,

Fickle the candle of brittle descent,

Flames now rent to cure tyrant,

Kept unclean the river is swept

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One & Only

A light so bright I know it's right,

A single look to calm my storm,

When pests sting flesh torn swarm,

I cradle you take me away to space,

Find my place with silk and lace,

Always by my side I will have no other,

Even years pass these feelings I smother,

Uncover innocence a new found wonder,

The fondest memories sate my hunger,

What did I do to deserve this blessing,

Truly I'll never know nor stop guessing

Soak in Slumber

Absent of mind continual state,

Pendulum swings heavy as of late,

Stare at the clock for it stands still,

Bend to my will a stroke of the quill,

Bleed my ink a blood soaked canvas,

Lost in thought as if I planned this,

Falling star comes crashing down,

Tear soaked pillow ready to drown,

Anxiety steams torment familiar sound,

The ocean of emotion horrors abound,

All consuming I gasp for breath,

Scythe is looming harking death

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Still Laughing

No matter how long I will endure the song,

Take a breath as it stings for long,

I will eat the flies of disease decay,

To feel the sorrow of death may lay,

Rot away as my time slithers at bay,

A thousand knives tear flesh I fray,

Torn I scorn I languid this way,

Look upon as the gray fills my soul,

A hollow black surge of whimsical fold,

Untold stories of disasters so cold,

A winter of disgrace too void to replace,

I laugh as glass rips apart my face


The shadow I cast will forever outlast,

The things I do as a desolate outcast,

I wander wicked in damp retreat,

Held by shallow and timid by obvious defeat,

I look at this world with childlike wonder,

Till it tears my limbs from tooth asunder,

I wallow the whispers of waking wither,

Whether dark breathes envy of bone deliver,

I stand alone as the devil may cry,

My flesh is torn as I perpetuate the lie,

It takes strength to finally understand,

My life is forfeit as is master plan

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tilt the Scales

A white light so pure inside,

Wicked winds ride to collide,

Swirls of black eddy around in attack,

Taken aback as the reins go slack,

Retract the threat by blood and sweat,

Give what you get even in debt,

Poison trickles slow pollute all I know,

Question reality or what is denied to me,

Eclipse my hopes with nightmares insanity,

They pelt my flesh with stones and sticks,

Crimson tricks wiggle in betwixt,

Hands at my sides I only smile,

Defuse the hate with lack of vile,

The white light glows to repel the darkness,

The corrupt falls away no food I starve this,

Glowing growing brighter every trial,

The scales tilt for good not defile,

Even though that light may dim,

A greater power lies within


Destiny in the land of the rising sun,

Linked through desire not the only one,

Search for my place maybe outer space,

For just a taste of that sweet face,

Leave for tomorrow commit to follow,

I walk in thought to hope to end sorrow,

Fate seems hollow when seen from below,

Times too mellow I refuse to settle,

I won't give in to those voices that hate,

Derisive in nature stand against stagnate,

This journey takes time even bitter decline,

Hold out for rise luminescent sign,

I will make it mine no matter how long it takes,

Risk high stakes to one day brave quakes,

The earth may tremble but my will be done,

To lay at rest in the land of the rising sun

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Terror for some others choose to welcome,

The harbinger has come with his bloody knife spun,

Grace period has passed now to reclaim,

Incision in flesh an intangible pain,

The debt owed was too great to bare,

An agent of death immune to care,

Forsake this task when hunter becomes prey,

They took his heart the burden heavy weigh,

On the run a wolf in sheep's clothing,

Too late to absolve resort to loathing,

If one can be saved the disaster stayed,

The cold society repels efforts of morality,

A former friend turns his knife descend,

A stab in the back followed by remorse,

No turning back once tread bloody course

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Unsung Hero

Angelic voice I hide from the world,

Unleash it slowly allow unfurled,

Shudder for opinion I hold it high,

If I hear mockery I would die,

Tell a stranger of that buried treasure,

They ask for a sample something to measure,

Refuse to acquiesce debilitating distress,

A look of scorn for that which is forlorn,

Don't mention it if you can't exhibit,

I won't permit those words I must omit,

Reserve the prize for those found worthy,

More meaningful in times of need surely,

A moonlit stroll to console fallen soul,

Cheer up those who have paid a heavy toll,

For if I can't share this gift with the world,

At least I can share it with those few pearls

Frustration is Relative

How to explain my point of view,

Words do no justice what can I do,

No action to back them they fall short,

In one ear out your fist so vicious,

I know all too well this thorny crown,

Composed of lies I can't live it down,

Even if I take it off it leaves a stain,

I grow insane as spoken words wane,

Throw them back a relentless attack,

Laced with angry emotions no slack,

Turn your back when I return the lash,

Tell me again what you think is wrong,

It's not black and white the color of song,

The shades of gray have infinite layers,

To understand is futile as your logic tapers,

Too narrow is your point of sight,

Would it be so bad if for once I were right

Monday, August 2, 2010


Sitting again those thoughts seep in,

Whispering voices clouded with sin,

Emanating somewhere deep I believe,

A force of emotion meant to deceive,

The demon's claws I try to remove,

It tears parts of me and leaves a groove,

Bleeding profusely it begs for relief,

Just a little more feed the belief,

Tomorrow I will ignore I swear,

Cast aside the safety left bare,

Now it's decided I can commence,

It makes little sense I can be so dense,

Relentless pursuit of that hidden root,

Buried below the surface I will find it soon,

If I keep digging in the light of the moon,

Sheltered by the lunar I can hide in plain sight,

Rip away those reservations of what I thought was right,

Until I gouge my heart from my chest to be free from plight

Red Desert

The sun beats me down this dry desert,

I seem to have crashed it all seems to hurt,

Engine idle as my helmet fills with blood,

The gates of hell closing in doom flood,

Choke for air still in shock despair,

Fasten too tight can't grip lose sight,

A numb crawls into my soul to claim it's toll,

Slump forward as the darkness draws in,

Awoken by a voice as the harps beckon,

Critical choice to spark action,

Free from the ghastly suffocation,

Gasp for air as blood soaks section,

Struggle to stay awake I want to sleep,

Arms folded as my head rolls onto sleeve,

Jerk to attention I don't want to die,

If I succumb I could never see the sunrise,

Strangers pass they pause to see,

I touch my head my skull greets me,

Stitch these wounds and not too soon,

Let the memory fester a dark cocoon

Saturday, July 31, 2010


What drives the need for compassion,

Rise above yet I still let it happen,

Resolved to only focus on brightness,

Cracks in armor rend weak deny this,

No expression a stern poker face,

Illicit emotion cast away this place,

Keep your chin to the sky good to live by,

Even when the demons cling onto the lie,

I was once told I had a fake laugh,

Better to try on my own behalf,

I'd rather make the attempt than sorrow stupor,

I'd rather make amends than deliver crueler,

I don't ask for help I won't talk about myself,

I'd rather ask you what's wrong help you off that shelf,

I'd rather ignore what's happened before,

For compassion is something I choose to give,

Even if it's foreign for me to live

Medical Anguish

Clock set early I must depart,

Fix my thoughts and where to start,

Clerk asks what's the problem sir,

A disheveled demeanor I have no answer,

You know I've pondered that same question,

Puzzled for weeks a mindless session,

A bedridden youth I have pain everyday,

This tumor of foot can't be kept at bay,

These fleshy protrusions that hang from my sides,

Ache so much I want to cut them off despise,

Or is it of greater concern,

Years of hernias a hole that burn,

Which do I pick for today's exam,

One at a time the county's master plan,

You tell me oh bringer of hope,

What shelf will be brushed to cope,

Have a seat for you will be called,

The hours pass yet the help has stalled,

Maybe if I scream you will hear my voice,

Instead of my pleas fallen deaf no choice,

What does it take for my message to be clear,

Perhaps if I drop dead in this lobby right here

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dreams of the Fallen

Cut the losses before the bridge burn,

Shed away unless no place to turn,

Follow the discipline that dwells within,

Rebel against the darkness drowned in sin,

Wake for the brilliant rise of the sun,

Glowing rays seep the bones that run,

Sharpen the steel with razor teeth,

Grind the flesh of enemies beneath,

Set in your mind you have already died,

When the time comes no place to hide,

The cold grasp snatch at the last gasp,

Visions cloud the bloody barrage,

Corpses strewn a visceral visage,

Blind to the horror that lies before,

The sands of time trickle the last line,

A glimpse of beauty with lustful lace,

Death deals flowers a final taste,

For only one thought prevails in this dim space,

The everlasting wanting of her soft embrace

Monday, July 19, 2010

Trip to take

Arrive to hospital I know so well,

Empty my pockets where weapons dwell,

A test of nerve in ways more than one,

Electric surges up my arms no fun,

What is this redness that seems to run,

Oh just the penalty of sitting in the sun,

A train gets delayed leaving me dismayed,

Ticket already purchased funds are paid,

No answer to the constant pain,

Doctors tried but it was all in vain,

A waste of time and not only mine,

Those who were burdened by my health's decline,

The cycle continues I want to quit,

Do I pursue good health or force submit,

The question grows blurry effort useless,

How to get a job when your hands are worthless

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Best served warm

Circle of cruelty like the clockwork surely,

Orange in color but bleeds to red,

Shedding sin within forced out of head,

Grapple with violence this vivid horror show,

Those once harmed will return to those they know,

Only to lash out at strangers in place of dangers,

The wicked cycle consumes a victim left marooned,

The forsaken island where lies the truth,

Uncover the buried knowledge even if uncouth,

To heal those wounds do not inflict more,

Swallow the pride and continue to soar,

The higher path awaits if you choose to ignore,

Petty revenge never serves justified mends,

Relentless acquisition of infernal tribulation,

What remains after the deranged have salvation,

The minute hole festered into a gaping tooth jester,

Blind in the snowstorm of lustful death swarm,

Restore common sense with the drops of rain,

Singing and laughing time and time again

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Out of breath the steps grow weary,

Gather the strength yet it falls dreary,

Curse the intellect that plagues my mind,

Unable to convince anymore too unkind,

Walk alone through the dismal fog,

The chirping of others falls deaf bog,

Pieces fall away the spirit also decay,

Mortal flesh withers as time drifts away,

Immune to solace it laughs in it's place,

That light is shining but it fell behind no trace,

Acceptance takes a while it took away my smile,

Give in to the feelings of death's long mile,

Ill of fate a quick end not deliver,

Scatter the ashes as hopes and dreams dither,

Where did it go that amazing spark,

I recall it once but now seems so dark,

The faded twilight looms overhead,

Waiting just as I to fall over dead

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Just one more drink some time to think,

Maybe a little smoke till I choke,

Eyes begin to water with laughter,

Buzz will fade only sorrow after,

Chase that high with blind faith,

As if I will catch the shadow wraith,

Out the corner of my eye till I die,

Dead fingers yearn for that last lie,

The self-deception of day to day strangulation,

Plan ahead not my game only stagnation,

Every penny I earn goes toward elation,

The mirror reflects a wicked smile,

I stare and stare for the longest while,

Mile for mile it seems to expand,

The width of a hand blown into sand,

A darkness descends the shroud deepens,

A box to confine this rattled soul,

Too late to realize that heavy toll

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Can you place a word to that which disturb,

The unsettling murmur festers fervor,

Needles prick to draw the blood,

Wait for water waves of flood,

Rushing with a deadly precision,

Captivate the turn of the season,

The leaves dry to a thin crisp,

Mist of rain trickles wisp,

Dancing with life as the wind crashes,

Mashes the trees with bloody gashes,

Sap oozing from every orifice,

Splinter number creeping merciless,

Hack it down for timber quicker,

Even if our blood feeds the river

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ever after

Someday maybe you'll see things from my eyes,

Maybe then you'll realize,

That I'm not such a bad guy,

The things I say aren't because it's my way,

Only because I want to stay,

I have to fight that feeling everyday,

Tempers rage as we both live in this fragile cage,

Rattling chains that seem to derange,

Rational minds that never change,

I refuse to fight I only wish a respite,

A brief time to be free from this plight,

Try as I might it always pulls me down,

Water rising I will soon drown,

A light from above as it recedes,

In the future hope to achieve,

A common ground we both receive,

The next step neither will know,

The sun is shining where will we go,

Onto the next chapter,

To build a better life ever after

Friday, June 25, 2010


Overcome adversity script mentally,

The pressure builds with every motion,

Rhythmic coasting new coastal approaching,

Hoping for this ocean to turn white,

Cast away the lonely night,

Set the sorrow to drift out at sea,

Free the burdens that encumber me,

The lighthouse beams a positive direction,

Surfing for danger always course correcting,

A vision of beauty the harping call,

The siren sings the melody enthrall,

The thirst the hunger it climbs aboard,

Soaring for her all else is ignored,

Heart filled to burst no more I can take,

Ripples behind a passion filled wake,

Hesitate to speak my breath left knees weak,

The sun shines yet this angel is blinding,

Her beauty a white rose just as inviting,

Rejoice at the new day before us,

An eternal voyage of heavenly chorus

Friday, June 18, 2010

Black hole

Ragged intention spews withered descension,

The portal closes with putrid perfection,

Demonic death deftly delivers damnation,

Blood soaks the soil of mortal coil,

Slain as the brains ooze through skulls,

Rotten and decaying the vultures hunger dulls,

Spoiled by the mass of war torn surge,

Malicious as the evil flows in storms,

Arching their lifeless husks to the sky,

Twisting in torment even after they die,

Burning beneath the souls aflame,

All are claimed as darkness rained,

Pouring black it showers plain,

Covers the lands with sheets insane,

The shroud engulfs the world's soul,

A pit of despair the hollow Black hole


Learn to walk before you run,

Sprint too quick cause tumble down,

Rally support to pass the line,

Exceed where those fell steep decline,

This hurdle seems too high to clear,

Approach it slow feeds growing fear,

Make attempt but jump too soon,

Short of goal shy from the moon,

The trick is not avoiding the fall,

Make effort to get up and stand tall,

Focus not on the problem itself,

Only see the solution stuck on shelf,

The idea is to act with future in mind,

Selfish deeds give way to bind,

Constrict the paths that fork unwind,

For once the trail ends the air grows still,

As if the wind weeps for all the time we kill

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Born from flesh the life is sewn,

Soul is forged the fire it burn,

Mind is plagued by tangled webs,

Growing thicker spawning eggs,

Hatching ideas implant the seed,

Greed is freed it follows need,

Wet the appetite of twisted fervor,

Scurry sick lay simple murmur,

Back to earth as corpse decay,

The wind will blow the dust away

Friday, June 11, 2010


Patience wane waiting insane,

Clock moves slow racking my brain,

Eager to alleviate the pit below,

Stabbing throbbing bitter burrow,

Writhing spikes trickle sharply,

Cutting deeper twisting to spite me,

Stare at a wall just make it stop,

Head held low no release just rot,

Blood flows to find the source,

The faster it goes the more I contort,

A relief sets in I hear the call,

My turn to see how far I could fall,

Diagnose the symptoms find a cure,

Possibly remove more than likely reoccur,

Cut the poison before it spreads,

Infected flesh dissect from the rest,

First steps useless need crutch duress,

Time may pass the wound should heal,

The nerves are dead no pain surreal,

Yet I don't need to feel to know it's there,

The body is blind it only feels despair

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ocean of Death

Murky depths cloud hidden danger,

Lurking seeking malicious stranger,

Floating in darkness blind to all,

Drifting solemn fatal thrall,

A wicked wind washes waves wistfully,

Splashes circle signaling sinfully,

Dark shapes of hollow night,

Bare their teeth a horror sight,

Down they drag me to abyss,

Sinking swiftly soothing hiss,

Deeper demons dormant dwell,

Further descent toward hell,

Water boils as blackness burns,

Bottomless ocean hellfire turns,

Crags split asunder into the earth,

Passage continues narrow girth,

I no longer breathe simply stale,

My throat on fire unable to exhale,

Peering below an end is near,

The ocean of death harbors fear,

Welcome the tide with open arms,

Or be swept away by devious charms

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


A bottomless pit no light steep fright,

Devil spit reap sorrow in spite,

Jagged strings hung as puppets,

Hollow trumpets hark subjects,

Calling forth evil in all forms,

Scorn filled storms rape and swarm,

Locust infest the flesh success,

Unless the taint seems submerge,

Poetic dirge pillage and purge,

Drain to decay of dismal surge,

Gaping gash so ghastly and vast,

The tear of despair broken mast,

Ghost ship approach bare coast,

Asylum from all who fear the most,

The ocean is dry the land aflame,

A sky has fallen the hero is slain,

Blood stained soil whose to blame,

Those that fought those that came,

Those who died were not in vain,

For the bitter defeat tastes sour,

Riddled corpses clinging for power,

The tower of dread failed to fall,

My body grows cold slain mortal maul,

I would rather be dead than not fight at all

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Marching under hollow banner,

Wrists shackle fragile manner,

Each step brings me closer to death,

Savor sweet breath soon none left,

Grim captors spy for cause,

Absent torment justify laws,

Bleak horizon a sight from afar,

An eclipse of fate feather and tar,

A vulture circles the smell of prey,

My body still alive but spirit decay,

I start to tremble a terror sets in,

Knees quake sin revel wicked felon,

Yellow streak pass I lift my head,

Walk the line I'll soon be dead,

The jaws open wide drooling hate,

Tighten my noose to seal my fate,

Sudden snap was all it took,

Robbed the life this petty crook

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lost at Sea

Breath left wicked I seek surface,

Cruel intention from feeble circus,

Dwell in lands eclipse both hands,

Sire new sin with casual purpose,

Burn within to purge the worthless,

Retire this vessel before it drown,

Lungs of vapor exist not found,

Walk in waste to wither away,

Slave to ship left sunk survey,

Dry land approach inspire a roach,

Live beyond terms of sinful poach,

The dock is clear have no fear,

Ship not wreck the captain is here

Friday, May 14, 2010


Morbid voice seems to creep,

Lurking hidden sudden sleep,

Jester laughs common caste,

Last to see a mortal grasp,

Played to a death rhythm,

Schism forked lesser victim,

Reel the scene in between,

Deed is greed a foul seed,

Presence of mind follow kind,

Ignore the times evil find,

A narrow path soon deliver,

Forsaken wrath explore the river

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Virtually all is new to me,

Fresh as a sweet symphony,

I take a breath to savor,

Hope to regain their favor,

Some lost some come later,

Truth in the eyes every layer,

Needle drops a soft sound,

Bound teeth muzzle hound,

Where did I go wrong,

Here I sift sorrow song,

Long dawn brings new rise,

Surprised by faint cries,

Echo from afar I lend an ear,

Exit shelter venture near,

Familiar path I've seen before,

Many forks that I ignore,

Tore away vivid memory,

Leaping faith hands insanity,

Fickle fire feeds calamity,

Caught in this trance I amuse,

The fire dances stinging ruse,

Back and forth I follow flicker,

Clouds of smoke billow thicker,

Choking life I see dim light,

I breathe in death I do not fight,

Face to face I fix on fury,

Pulls my flesh free from worry,

Singed to ashes I float to abyss,

Crisp and clean in ember bliss

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Unsteady approach I tumble clumsy,

Force my way I must see,

Pry it open with gentle motion,

Hoping for swift coping,

Abrasive yet soft to the touch,

Shy away yet allow so much,

A split between I foreseen,

Find the path to redeem,

A simple answer does arrive,

The means by which you derive,

Methods used to stay alive,

Sugar coat the shadow dive

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Seven years a glimpse gone by,

I'll never forget when John died,

Knew for a short time always the case,

Dealt with demons everyday he faced,

Turned to the usual suspects,

Some stayed the demons others worked less,

Hidden torment most would never know,

The final days are clouded in snow,

An evening at it's end we retire,

Turns to go home situation dire,

Alone at night a demon crept,

Snaked it's way his mind it leapt,

One pull and no more pain,

The mortal wound renders slain,

I think back to his common greeting,

Memory is crisp yet seemingly fleeting,

Burned in my mind those words were,

You are a Gentlemen and a Scholar sir

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Early on I found things to draw upon,

Easily amused contort shapes and fuse,

Introduced to new stimulation,

Captivate short attention,

Hours would pass yet I sit still,

Grew older and had more time to kill,

Let's add some poison to my mixture,

Daily doses administer quicker,

Others strive and climb that corporate ladder,

I stare at pixels on screens making idle chatter,

This is my Wonderland and I am the Mad Hatter,

Engulfed in fantasy the real world doesn't matter,

Rules and laws vanish without a pause,

Anonymous and able to change shapes,

Eyes mesmerized by generated landscapes,

Approaching steep decline we must resign,

Shut down this life time to start living mine

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stones and Sticks

Haven't seen for a while I force a smile,

Try to relax but the pressure always stacks,

Perplexing attacks of the cerebral,

Regain focus but derailed to evil,

Inclined to live deceitful,

Who am I this bag of tricks,

Mix the lies with stones and sticks,

Cement them in with walls of bricks,

Trapped inside a safe place to hide,

Layers of truth you will not find,

Bring it down to place of mind,

Solid foundation built on misdirection,

Crumbles bit by bit till sudden slide,

No hope to avoid judgment's coming tide

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A time ago a job once held,

Graveyard shifts always smelled,

The burger joint I was employed,

Offered more pay for weekend void,

Think for a moment but not too long,

The sound of more pay was a sweet sweet song,

More suited than I thought for I was alone,

Most of the shift I was free to roam,

My own boss as long as the job was done,

Take as many breaks and naps I was the only one,

Of course later more would show,

Although like me they worked real slow,

Covering a shift I was tasked at last,

I arrived on time and saw a strange sign,

They were there already and working steady,

Not much English so I made myself clear,

You clean that and I'll work here,

Oh the fryers what a messy job,

Gallons of oil to ooze and glob,

Hope and pray they turned them off today,

A piping hot fryer burns like fire,

Task complete now retreat outside,

Dump old oil in the bin supplied,

Startled by a sound I turned around,

The bushes were alive and dancing,

A man popped out and started advancing,

With calm precision I removed my key,

Inserted in the door and unlocked easily,

Pulled it open with time to spare,

Got inside prepared to snare,

Pressure gauge caused some rage,

Door flung open and there he froze,

Eyes bloodshot with filthy clothes,

Marched to me with a crazy stare,

Motioned to his waist a revolver there,

Gimme all the money he proclaimed,

My right hand held a bucket but I refrained,

Fire burned inside my very soul,

Calling to me to end this troll,

Steal his pistol play the role,

Be the hero instead of a zero,

Temper soothed I thought quickly,

I returned the menacing stare and spoke calmly,

There is no money it's all locked away,

None of us have a key there is no way,

Panic in his eyes then turned to fear,

He back-peddled shocked as a deer,

The last thing was a memorable cry,

Don't mind me I'm just a drunk guy!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Great Escape

Ace in the sky shot down to die,

Falling clouds of smoke choke,

Count lucky landed safely,

Search for a common entity,

Hard when surrounded by enemy,

Captured arms in the air don't shoot,

Vicious tongues spit rifle butt quick,

Boot stomp hope sun set can't cope,

Loss of my freedom watched by demon,

Sentry at the ready always pacing steady,

Some make a break iron sight forsake,

I walk these grounds probing for weakness,

Guards bribe like leeches control meekness,

Acquire contraband just like we planned,

Construct tunnels deep ferrets deaf creep,

Enemy old ace made tragic mistake,

Left us in luxury what a catastrophe,

Select are chosen final day approaching,

Chance strikes casual encounter spikes,

Hidden passage unveil spark fail,

Under scrutiny postpone attempt to flee,

Finally set to cause calamity,

First to go I tread slow,

Not a sound I make every risk I take,

Crawling under supports of our bed boards,

Upon reaching exit nobody could guess it,

Delayed into winter now door freeze shiver,

We can't deliver as expected path rejected,

Miscalculated short of goal ill-fated,

Lucky seventy-six subject dishonorable fix,

Only three claim freedom fifty never see them,

Upon capture the long drive to hell,

The enemy officer stops to tell,

Stretch for a moment while I draw a weapon,

A shot to the head a morbid lesson,

As I step out of the vehicle I know my fate,

I think back to our great escape,

For months we worked with none the wiser,

A network of secrecy no trace just fire,

My heart fills with pride as I prepare to die,

No gunshot is heard no pain is felt,

I accept the outcome the cards have dealt,

For this life but a small price in the scheme of it all,

We disrupted the war machine and one day this reich will fall


I was trapped here long ago,

Dust covered slabs no light to show,

Echo hollow this creep filled grotto,

My flesh wrapped thick to swallow,

Here among I rest in riches,

Blood stained hands corpse filled ditches,

Mouth open I breathe still,

Back to life intent to kill,

Those that enter will surely perish,

Ventured for treasures to cherish,

If I were truly dead then answer me this,

How come all who gaze meet death's kiss

Friday, April 23, 2010


Days are easy as some say,

Till invasion disrupt our way,

Two to this house our domain,

Enter new breed new pain,

First we meet a show of force,

I defend my home of course,

Dash to attack then fall back,

We retreat rinse and repeat,

Night falls predator lurks,

Target spot blood works,

Ambush ready unleash fury,

Strike precise then shelter scurry,

Face to face mutual respect,

Eventual comrade sect,

A welcome member to our society,

Regardless of instinctual animosity


A light further down,

Another step to drown,

Holding on grim walk,

Wash away fever stalk,

Temper climax glass,

Mental block form impasse,

Cracks seen naked eye,

Sacred break tie,

Reason with wonder why,

Pacing back crimson tide,

Pen the letter or idle rot,

Task at hand or wasted thought,

To live is to do or have not

Monday, April 12, 2010


Tell me what spawns change,

For you is it something strange,

A moment to realize it could differ,

Or perhaps a night free from shiver,

Shielded from cold a shake unfold,

Erratic at first then slowly calming,

Crashing at first then slowly falling,

Catch your breath for it could be fleeting,

Days are numbered depression self-defeating,

This heart still beating at least for now,

I dream to foresee yet my end is a shroud,

Clouded in darkness a vision unclear,

Will I accomplish or succumb to fear,

Daily doubts filled with negative thoughts,

Distrought and I can't even see why,

My eyes are blurry possibly an obstruction,

It causes my haze and overall lack of function,

Blame this or that like the drop of a hat,

But really who you blame is all the same,

Irrelevant accusation ignoring perpetration,

Conspiracy killing me from all angles,

Strangled with facts they pierce and subtract,

All I can focus on is those I've failed upon,

Drawing on a strength that always dies,

Chamber of lies has me locked I despise,

Steel bars trapped and I think I see the key,

Stone cold guard pacing before me,

To look at his face is a journey to abyss,

A black hole to swallow my soul,

Ripping each memory into infinity,

Plead with them to let me free,

He turns around and simply stares,

No words are spoken no wisdom is shared,

A hand is opened I look with excitement,

I look twice and still I am fighting,

For all it contains is a mirror so stained,

The key is myself for I am restrained

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blood and Sweat

Eyes on target possible threat,

Choke their life simply for suspect,

They try to flee from caliber jaws,

Ripped to shreds without a pause,

We were justified with our laws,

Cover the shame with disgraced lies,

Lets unveil the truth of their demise,

A war has tragedy in every facet,

So much turmoil how do we surpass it,

We cannot save them but we all know,

In our hearts the clarity will sow,

Spread their story we will not forget,

Those innocent lives lost in blood and sweat

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Surreal escalation that I face,

Others climb high and I just pace,

Lace the failure with sprinkled anxiety,

Maintain propriety to put it mildly,

Dangerous society cut-throat nature,

Means to an end save none for later,

Redeem rapture in tune for chapter,

Faint echoes of laughter as I try,

Make an effort clear reason why,

Plotting my demise eventual no lies,

Snakes creep with open eyes,

Tongues fork probing for weakness,

Stabbing ambition and ever seamless,

Yieldless I dodge their attack,

Counter precise and back on track,

Fury I lack no emotion to cloud,

Pinpoint hesitate not allowed,

Stay proud and show no mercy,

History written bloody victory,

Lost deletory end of story,

Forgotten and buried eternally

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Inside the shell the hermit dwell,

Safe from hell to rest a spell,

The world is vast yet mine so small,

Prefer the quiet to social free fall,

In this zone I always stand alone,

Never condone the trespassers shown,

But even the secluded can get polluted,

Contamination from constant stagnation,

Open the door and journey to soar,

Rocket through this lifeless husk,

Spawn new beginnings always a must,

The sunlight dances on this pale face,

Shining so brightly I relish this place,

Walk amongst the trees and have an adventure,

Take us back to times of leisure,

The wind at your back with light steps,

No stress just exist effortless,

For in the digital world it gets so cold,

Wired into life as nature is sold,

Inevitable as the story is told,

But do not forget the sun in the sky,

The numerous species of birds that fly,

Wild and free some may envy,

How ironic that life is so deadly

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Drifting down that memory lane,

Return to days that seem to wane,

For times change we stay the same,

Sculpted with clay from daily foray,

Here and now with casual purpose,

Wasted time may not be worthless,

For absence makes the heart grow fonder,

Distance in time reminisce and ponder,

Here I wander through gaps in space,

Trace relate and demonstrate fate,

Paths collide our tangents coincide,

Rely on old mishaps for new laughs,

And when you must take your leave,

To finish the pattern delicate weave,

Be sincere do not deceive,

Earnest actions serve reprieve,

Encumbered by weight we do receive,

Bonds we form and then bereave,

Stitched together to achieve,

Cohesive nature meshed through sieve,

A mental process to filter losses,

Priceless no matter what cost us

Monday, April 5, 2010


Cover the words of my intrigue,

Unwanted attention I will receive,

Not at this time perhaps another,

Looking glass fail to uncover,

Optics faulted but sharper still,

This closed door traps to kill,

Do not enter this gaping wound,

One way trip is left marooned,

Venture forth but not too soon,

Lay ripe in the damp cocoon,

Sun trickle the warmth to fire,

Fickle efforts to quell desire,

Sparks quick and ever higher,

Flash ignite the funeral pyre,

Black for purpose of respect,

Defines the nature of the sect,

Grave is fresh only needs flesh,

Beware before you trespass,

Hidden horrors to amass,

A step in darkness a leap of faith,

Wander forever the fated wraith

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Ritual sometimes criminal,

Lay low in my psycho terminal,

Sharks enter my path I see from afar,

Black and white the skin of their car,

Peeled eyes back alert status ready,

No sudden movements keep motion steady,

Clean the scene pick apart every seam,

Breath held tight to be free from plight,

The predator stops in shallow water,

Creeps for prey to stalk as fodder,

Silence my existence I watch with persistence,

Observe the observer task careful fervor,

Obvious need to dodge I ignite camouflage,

Hidden in darkness I remain unseen,

The shadow on the wall clever and keen,

Coast clear vanish most fear,

Threats to self we guard near,

To stay safe year after year

Monday, March 29, 2010


Damage shrug as the knives tug,

Pull every piece sweet release,

Tower crumbles brick by brick,

The sick infect pick derelict,

New prospect I lay my claim,

Hours wane I wither insane,

Lane is changed pain deranged,

Venom lungs lunge to expunge,

Riddled ones the blackness comes,

Cower at first then open arms,

Culling charms enslave dark farms,

The colony rot wicked pooling,

Sheep left drooling follow ruling,

Winds sweep the dust from decay,

Here I lay the sole survivor today,

For my entire race chose another place,

Washed my hands of the tears I have no fears,

Walking stranded through war torn world,

The oceans and plants are shriveled and curled,

Existence fleeting the days dwindle,

Kindle my last thread on this spindle,

Breath grows faint steps begin to slow,

Knees ache and I kneel real low,

I think back and also where will I go,

Will this corpse rot and soul ascend,

Or does it all have oblivion end,

Mind is set I'm ready to depart,

Visions flash ones close to my heart,

I reach one last time up for the sky,

The clouds lift me up and I learn to fly

Monday, March 15, 2010


The night draws dim yet again,

I stay awake to live in sin,

Revel in my wicked ways like a felon,

No tellin when reality will sink in,

Drifting on this cloud I ignore sorrow shroud,

Although from this height it all seems so small,

Inconsequential and gliding in my free fall,

I look to my left and see hope bereft,

A glance to my right inspires cosmic insight,

The angel and devil both dance on my shoulder,

Rhythm is their life till my corpse grows colder,

Their job is done they step off to next victim,

Maybe him or her they collaborate quicker,

The sick get sicker by drowning in this liquor,

Even I indulge in this cruel elixir,

As I speak I pour this glass tall,

Savor each drop down it quick don't stall,

The time grows late so much that it's early,

I see the sun rise and realize I'm surly,

Bitter to the light I shy from it so bright,

I feel the warmth burn my insides tumble and churn,

Slink away into this villain decay,

Fall asleep to live another nocturnal day

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Futile Fight

Maybe I do it because I can,

I know your weakness and your plan,

Guilty at first or so you made me to be,

Painted the target cut the rope painfully,

Down I tumble this noose grows tighter,

I try to fight back but my strength grows lighter,

Accept defeat to avoid further injury,

Gather my troops and what's real to me,

Perhaps rehash a later time a slight decline,

I attempted a truce yet no hope for mine,

Take it as it comes I am battle ready,

Shield is sturdy my blade is steady,

Your insults are a glancing blow,

I'm conditioned to not stoop that low,

I fight on my higher ground,

Unleash my dogs of hell tactic sound,

You can't refute this halos abound,

And after the dust settles,

Fruitless flower with salty petals,

For there is never a victor in this futile war,

Slandering with mud we should choose to ignore,

Is there a way I can rephrase to avoid your steely gaze,

Maybe the way it plays I should apologize for days,

Or do one better I will follow the letter,

A rule of gold to not be so bold,

To see from your eyes a story unfold,

What a fool I must be to agitate wrongfully,

When the answer all along was elementary

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I suppose I could compose,

Some words for those,

Under spells locked in a trance,

Argue to the extreme but no chance,

Take a listen to the addiction,

An affliction poisons the whole,

Spoiled inside left black coal,

Sold the soul for one last dance,

Slave to self indulgence,

Romance of the brain sometimes insane,

Lose what you gain in a moment no pain,

How mundane it seemed yet now all I dream

Monday, March 1, 2010


The sun beats me down this dry desert,

Thirst so great to abstain is to hurt,

Lonely I wander some thoughts I ponder,

First of my own will now trapped still,

A mirage on the horizon beckons ill,

For if I chase and climb this hill,

Hope for relief my breath held tight,

Futile effort it remains out of sight,

Stubborn I suppose I continue the fight,

Determined to die grasping for light

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Take a nap to rest your eyes,

Wake up early task to despise,

Long drive ahead leave at sunrise,

Alarm clock set time to retire,

A box of cardboard the cat's desire,

Oh I rub my paws it makes noise,

Scratch my face and play with toys,

Here she comes my buddy and pal,

Sit next to me sit for a while,

I lick your neck you lick mine too,

Oops made you mad nothing I could do,

Oh hey look out that's my master's face,

Don't jump there it's not a race,

Look what you did you silly kitty,

Cut that lip and nose what a pity,

Hey come back he didn't seem to notice,

I think you're in the clear he's lost focus,

He'll wake up and wonder what the hell happened,

Perhaps a ninja or Nazi combatant,

He'll go to the hospital and try to explain,

Strange looks and gestures they'll think he's insane,

Monkeys from space they launched an attack,

Armed with toothpicks to poke and whack,

Or maybe I was assaulted by a bear,

Carried off in it's beak back to it's lair,

My bear has a beak and nasty claws of steel,

He ripped off my nose for his aromatic meal,

Sir I've heard enough it's obvious to see,

You cut yourself and are playing games with me,

Leave at once or I'll go upside your head,

Madness exists in all that I've said,

Or is it madness to be alive but dead

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Body Count

When I think back to days of old,

Attention short and temper bold,

Drawn toward pixel and sword,

Mystify with mutant ninja horde,

Then one day a spy I play,

The golden gun to target prey,

Combat friends in close proximity,

Detonate bombs to cause calamity,

Fast forward to the brothers smash,

Charge a blast or eat real fast,

Grab a hammer to beat them down,

A simple star to crush a town,

Incoming attack from outer space,

A giant ring threatens human race,

Strap on your boots its not a drill,

Snipe elites one shot one kill,

And at the end of it all I sit and laugh,

Body count rising my unquenchable wrath

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Born into the last chapter,

Soon the story ends no ever after,

Slip through the rafters of time,

Misplaced pinpoint so fine,

Exist am I a grain of sand,

Descend my glass as fast as I can,

Speeding down snowball mountain,

Journey cold but I'm still counting,

Track and trace every little mistake,

Perhaps forsake the guilt useless to make,

If I had my choice I'd live much sooner,

Possibly a time worship the sun or lunar,

A simple day filled with hunt and foray,

No digital head shots I have beasts to slay,

Live to protect and keep enemies at bay,

But these illusions cloud current delusions,

Confusing at times but I prefer the chaos,

For this is my era wherever it may take us

Out of Reach

Leaves me breathless to see,

Intangible it seems to be,

The motions always capture me,

Effortlessly stuck in the loop,

Hear the soft voice to swoop,

Power in a whisper cold trance,

Perhaps chance invokes dance,

But look closer where it grows,

Spawning free and out it goes,

Sunder armor with faint echoes,

A wound to blend among the woes,

I wait for those times to close,

Snap the dragon before the fire,

Cage and key freeze heart desire,

Morning thaw rehash so raw,

The stage is empty but I'm glad I saw

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Who is the phantom behind the mask,

A dark figure haunting grim task,

The shadow watches ever so eager,

Views all life as shallow and meager,

Isn't it futile the voice must whisper,

Battle the taunts but they seep through crisper,

Close your eyes to see their heart,

It's in the darkness the evil must start,

From the void the taint emerges,

Wicked tongue spill sordid surges,

To uncover this demon I must look deeper,

Is it really me or a dark passenger,

Clawing inside ferocious with laughter,

How fortunate it seems equally to me,

The hero within can overcome easily,

Always a step ahead and waiting to strike,

And when the evil might seem to conquer,

The good inside slowly grows stronger,

Standing atop a mountain of morals,

The hero casts down his righteous quarrel,

And to the end two sides exist,

Infinite balance but the struggle persists

Friday, January 15, 2010


Drift into the other world,

Unleash desire witness unfurled,

Pierce the illusion to take control,

Is this my body or a glimpse into soul,

Strange nostalgia although alien,

I've seen you before if I'm not mistaken,

Tread on roads through infinity infinitely,

We stop to appreciate the view from above,

Pulled away far too soon it's never enough,

Awaken reality but hang onto the memory,

Replay it vividly but simply not the same,

Where once I existed and surely was gifted,

Is now a vague piece to this immaculate design,

Pulled apart with precision to bestow this vision,

An incision so clever no lack of regard,

Tumble faster through these tunnels toward,

An invisible truth on the top of the mountain,

Sacred in silence serene as silken fountain,

Carry the weight of the world but still climbing,

Slowly I get closer to the peak inviting,

I lay my hand on the pinnacle expect revelation,

Meaning of life perhaps or divine intervention,

But the rock is cold and dead no message is said,

I try to awake but fail to release from slumber,

As it would seem the clock strikes a familiar number,

The distant chime to signal and beckon,

Forever I sleep never to see the world again

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Once again time for my medicine,

Make sure to administer with care,

Savor each morsel not a bit to spare,

Must repair jagged nerves filled despair,

Pins and needles tickles raw skin,

Body says stop but mind won't give in,

Driven to madness but no reparation,

This process is numb ignore everyone,

Microchip implant to upgrade brain,

Hands are pistons pump precision no pain,

Scan the horizon for valid information,

Input the data with a familiar routine,

Engraved bar-codes riddle my flesh and vein,

Malfunction surge this directive purge,

Organism found parasitic must terminate,

The virus burrowed deep but far too late,

Found before it seemed to settle,

Soundly tore the flesh from metal,

Critical fail life-source growing frail,

Vital signs dark must diagnose,

The familiar virus clarity arose,

Remnants of humanity I suppose,

Sabotaged this form now end seems close,

Administer medicine for one final dose