Sunday, January 24, 2010


Who is the phantom behind the mask,

A dark figure haunting grim task,

The shadow watches ever so eager,

Views all life as shallow and meager,

Isn't it futile the voice must whisper,

Battle the taunts but they seep through crisper,

Close your eyes to see their heart,

It's in the darkness the evil must start,

From the void the taint emerges,

Wicked tongue spill sordid surges,

To uncover this demon I must look deeper,

Is it really me or a dark passenger,

Clawing inside ferocious with laughter,

How fortunate it seems equally to me,

The hero within can overcome easily,

Always a step ahead and waiting to strike,

And when the evil might seem to conquer,

The good inside slowly grows stronger,

Standing atop a mountain of morals,

The hero casts down his righteous quarrel,

And to the end two sides exist,

Infinite balance but the struggle persists

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