Sometimes I think what hell would be like,
Because I've already seen it late at night,
In the depths of my darkest dreams,
Which were actually nightmares and screams,
All I heard was the beckoning call,
The cry for help and I continued to fall,
Swimming in shallow water drowning,
Plenty of air but the cries still sounding,
To recall leaves me pale face and lost no trace,
Returning to that pool of horrors,
Through hell's waters halls and corridors,
The desperate cry for saving but invisible craving,
Endless terror with no path just mazes of wrath,
If I ever had to endure those narrow halls murder,
Unable to ever rescue my love just wandering below,
I would trade any other trial to never again see that mile
Friday, October 30, 2009
Have I really said all that lies in my head,
Or has the surface barely been scratched,
As if a part of me was broken off but still attached,
Maybe I neglected it and somehow came death's shadow,
It felt the need to proceed with all of it's greed,
Ignoring all before it ran thick through the door,
I left it open on purpose,
It crept in and worked us,
Driving tooth and nail no time to exhale,
Just hold your breath and wait for the ending,
Patiently staying for upcoming pending,
Grown used to the subtle throbbing,
Failed to catch the apple bobbing,
It pulled away when I got close,
So I let it be and chose to froze,
Chilled in atmosphere drifting ever so near,
But kept the distance needed for assistance,
Helping my own lack of ambition to delay the mission,
Until I give up the reins and give in to submission
Or has the surface barely been scratched,
As if a part of me was broken off but still attached,
Maybe I neglected it and somehow came death's shadow,
It felt the need to proceed with all of it's greed,
Ignoring all before it ran thick through the door,
I left it open on purpose,
It crept in and worked us,
Driving tooth and nail no time to exhale,
Just hold your breath and wait for the ending,
Patiently staying for upcoming pending,
Grown used to the subtle throbbing,
Failed to catch the apple bobbing,
It pulled away when I got close,
So I let it be and chose to froze,
Chilled in atmosphere drifting ever so near,
But kept the distance needed for assistance,
Helping my own lack of ambition to delay the mission,
Until I give up the reins and give in to submission
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Rising Tides
Why do people write words of insight,
Dwelling on thoughts intangible but right,
Possibly by putting thoughts on paper,
We create a more understood shaper,
Molding them into a figure of meaning,
If heard correctly and not demeaning,
But the question is still there,
Maybe the writer chooses to dare,
By hanging on sleeve the heart can retrieve,
A small glimpse into their own psychosis,
Seeing it and reading it brings great focus,
To go over what is said like someone else did,
Picture a view from outside themselves,
Stand out from the crowd and step off the shelves,
But why stop there we should continue to share,
Holding it in can be too much to bare,
Release the chip so the shoulder wont trip,
Dropping the ball on your feet rendered numb,
Or holding the chain high to and from,
Sometimes the chains can strangle,
Gasping for air a brain dangle,
Then one day the weight makes it snap,
Fallen down the hole with no light or map,
Crawling up is like breathing in space,
No hope for air not even a trace,
So we swerve to avoid the cataclysmic void,
The black hole sucking us in with no mercy given,
Finding the light at the end of the tunnel,
Not swirling down spirals like a funnel,
Once the light is reached it pours in from all sides,
That is the answer to explore rising tides
Dwelling on thoughts intangible but right,
Possibly by putting thoughts on paper,
We create a more understood shaper,
Molding them into a figure of meaning,
If heard correctly and not demeaning,
But the question is still there,
Maybe the writer chooses to dare,
By hanging on sleeve the heart can retrieve,
A small glimpse into their own psychosis,
Seeing it and reading it brings great focus,
To go over what is said like someone else did,
Picture a view from outside themselves,
Stand out from the crowd and step off the shelves,
But why stop there we should continue to share,
Holding it in can be too much to bare,
Release the chip so the shoulder wont trip,
Dropping the ball on your feet rendered numb,
Or holding the chain high to and from,
Sometimes the chains can strangle,
Gasping for air a brain dangle,
Then one day the weight makes it snap,
Fallen down the hole with no light or map,
Crawling up is like breathing in space,
No hope for air not even a trace,
So we swerve to avoid the cataclysmic void,
The black hole sucking us in with no mercy given,
Finding the light at the end of the tunnel,
Not swirling down spirals like a funnel,
Once the light is reached it pours in from all sides,
That is the answer to explore rising tides
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
This cocoon has so many layers,
To break through the barriers,
Takes a lot of blood and guts,
Climbin this hill leaves so many cuts,
Thorns sharper than razors,
Can't just sit and be one with star-gazers,
Hard to turn my head the stars are so alluring,
Filled my eyes with supernovas purring,
Blinding in so many ways but I stare on anyway,
And even after my sight is gone I will still keep on,
Pulling myself to reach that next tier,
Holding out my own hand to reach for here,
Knowing I can make it with the right moves,
Slip myself into silky slick velvet grooves
To break through the barriers,
Takes a lot of blood and guts,
Climbin this hill leaves so many cuts,
Thorns sharper than razors,
Can't just sit and be one with star-gazers,
Hard to turn my head the stars are so alluring,
Filled my eyes with supernovas purring,
Blinding in so many ways but I stare on anyway,
And even after my sight is gone I will still keep on,
Pulling myself to reach that next tier,
Holding out my own hand to reach for here,
Knowing I can make it with the right moves,
Slip myself into silky slick velvet grooves
Same Old Bit
As far as I can remember I've been shy and tender,
Easy to anger and even quicker to be stranger,
Seeking attention with jokes to mention,
But then I'd catch her gaze and my words turned to haze,
Stumble to speak held my tongue felt weak,
Say something I didn't like it just didn't fit,
Walk away close the door just the same old bit,
Return to laughter honed the skills I was after,
Pick it up and try again end up in this hole layed in,
Forget it don't worry one day the message won't be blurry,
Ponder later that day return to thinking the same way,
Push the evil out poisoning with self doubt,
Somehow it still seeps in writhing deep within,
Buried in trenches under my skin,
Scar tissue of moments that passed,
Why bother keeping it I'll still finish last,
Taking each time as a notch on the belt line,
Carried it on for future attempts to rely upon,
When the pressure hits the surface the belt is worthless,
Each notch melts away because it's the same thing anyway,
There is nothing to learn from dazing in burn,
It often hits me that one day I'll be dead,
The more brutal thought is that it's all in my head
Easy to anger and even quicker to be stranger,
Seeking attention with jokes to mention,
But then I'd catch her gaze and my words turned to haze,
Stumble to speak held my tongue felt weak,
Say something I didn't like it just didn't fit,
Walk away close the door just the same old bit,
Return to laughter honed the skills I was after,
Pick it up and try again end up in this hole layed in,
Forget it don't worry one day the message won't be blurry,
Ponder later that day return to thinking the same way,
Push the evil out poisoning with self doubt,
Somehow it still seeps in writhing deep within,
Buried in trenches under my skin,
Scar tissue of moments that passed,
Why bother keeping it I'll still finish last,
Taking each time as a notch on the belt line,
Carried it on for future attempts to rely upon,
When the pressure hits the surface the belt is worthless,
Each notch melts away because it's the same thing anyway,
There is nothing to learn from dazing in burn,
It often hits me that one day I'll be dead,
The more brutal thought is that it's all in my head
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The gift of life is a treasure indeed,
It happens once and it's up to us to succeed,
What we do is a destiny followed through,
A feeling of duty that leads quite truthfully,
The absence of this will leave one lost,
Confused of purpose we pay the cost,
The ultimate price of course is time,
We don't get it back it's nature is fleeting,
Always running it never stops,
Where is it going endless rain drops,
Then one day the downpour ceases,
Amidst the soaked land are creases,
Where once existed millions of pieces,
One with birth we go back to mother earth,
Joined together at once at last,
This is our purpose and the dice have been cast
It happens once and it's up to us to succeed,
What we do is a destiny followed through,
A feeling of duty that leads quite truthfully,
The absence of this will leave one lost,
Confused of purpose we pay the cost,
The ultimate price of course is time,
We don't get it back it's nature is fleeting,
Always running it never stops,
Where is it going endless rain drops,
Then one day the downpour ceases,
Amidst the soaked land are creases,
Where once existed millions of pieces,
One with birth we go back to mother earth,
Joined together at once at last,
This is our purpose and the dice have been cast
Ebb & Flow
A feeling or thought that leaves us distraught,
To lose something dear is our greatest fear,
Hold on tight and don't let go,
Slips through fingers ebb and flow,
Salty water crash on rocky shore,
Stinging deep a pain that tore,
Ripping apart rhyme or reason,
It's just the passing of the season,
A fragile leaf tumbling in the wind,
Broken to pieces time and time again,
Until one day the light breaks through,
The clouds part and we know what we must do,
Absorb the warmth of the rising sun,
Love this life until it is done,
And even after don't ever fear,
No matter what the tide brings ever so near,
A new wave will fold a new story untold,
And even after our bodies turn cold,
There will be those who remember our ways so bold
To lose something dear is our greatest fear,
Hold on tight and don't let go,
Slips through fingers ebb and flow,
Salty water crash on rocky shore,
Stinging deep a pain that tore,
Ripping apart rhyme or reason,
It's just the passing of the season,
A fragile leaf tumbling in the wind,
Broken to pieces time and time again,
Until one day the light breaks through,
The clouds part and we know what we must do,
Absorb the warmth of the rising sun,
Love this life until it is done,
And even after don't ever fear,
No matter what the tide brings ever so near,
A new wave will fold a new story untold,
And even after our bodies turn cold,
There will be those who remember our ways so bold
Monday, October 26, 2009
A Full Moon shone at night,
Clouds draped around her light,
Wind howling a song of bliss,
Trees dancing not one will miss,
Leaves fall in no line at all,
A cool brush shelters like a wall,
A drop of rain begins a symphony,
A steady pour washes so skillfully,
Plants come alive and start to thrive,
Their roots plunge into dirt in a dive,
Enriched soil that feeds many needs,
Minerals of life with righteous deeds,
A sparkling grass clothes the ground,
Green is it's color of fruitful mound,
The bark is now soaked it shudders soft spoke,
The wind slowly lessens gradual essence,
Rain is diminished it's task finally finished,
Families of clouds part to form a new start,
A Full Moon returns home for the Sun will rise soon
Clouds draped around her light,
Wind howling a song of bliss,
Trees dancing not one will miss,
Leaves fall in no line at all,
A cool brush shelters like a wall,
A drop of rain begins a symphony,
A steady pour washes so skillfully,
Plants come alive and start to thrive,
Their roots plunge into dirt in a dive,
Enriched soil that feeds many needs,
Minerals of life with righteous deeds,
A sparkling grass clothes the ground,
Green is it's color of fruitful mound,
The bark is now soaked it shudders soft spoke,
The wind slowly lessens gradual essence,
Rain is diminished it's task finally finished,
Families of clouds part to form a new start,
A Full Moon returns home for the Sun will rise soon
Sunday, October 25, 2009
To fly as a bird to some seems absurd,
But to me to be free is something sacred to see,
To treasure every moment and love flight and own it,
Up in the sky with the wind flowing by,
Lifting my wings and shedding all my strings,
Open my eyes to sunny peerless skies,
Glowing beams of light with essence of white,
To feel the pure clarity of life only air to be,
Soaking in the skin and bathing away from sin,
So far from the turbulence not to think back even once,
Days filled with amber glaze felt soft in the ways,
Motions come natural no thinking just actual,
Purely factual are intentions to serve my inventions,
Cruelty is new to me I never dwell on reality,
Eclipse of a sea to soar and swim heavenly,
Velvet clouds to gaze and float into haze,
Up close is like cotton with ruffles only soften,
The meal of the day is enjoyed as is Darwin's way,
No surplus or waste I simply make haste,
To catch the next breeze and fly high over seas
But to me to be free is something sacred to see,
To treasure every moment and love flight and own it,
Up in the sky with the wind flowing by,
Lifting my wings and shedding all my strings,
Open my eyes to sunny peerless skies,
Glowing beams of light with essence of white,
To feel the pure clarity of life only air to be,
Soaking in the skin and bathing away from sin,
So far from the turbulence not to think back even once,
Days filled with amber glaze felt soft in the ways,
Motions come natural no thinking just actual,
Purely factual are intentions to serve my inventions,
Cruelty is new to me I never dwell on reality,
Eclipse of a sea to soar and swim heavenly,
Velvet clouds to gaze and float into haze,
Up close is like cotton with ruffles only soften,
The meal of the day is enjoyed as is Darwin's way,
No surplus or waste I simply make haste,
To catch the next breeze and fly high over seas
Infinite potential makes decisions not so simple,
As if a wrong turn will leave you blister and burn,
Although you know no choice is so slow,
Lagging in the mud with dragging feet cold blood,
Shiver at the sight of a man focused on plight,
Easy to see that the mind plagues me,
Too quick to think yet to act I only sink,
It happens that my actions are only subtractions,
Gather information to dwell on strangulation,
To suffocate my will so it ends up bitter still,
Filled with nill to dab my quill to express tranquil,
Powerless to witness the mistress born guiltless,
Conscience it would seem was absent for conference,
When time bleeds slow to mend and let grow,
Or let go of past mistakes idleness task makes,
Breath breaks silence otherwise violence,
Not since a fateful day still thought of in dismay
As if a wrong turn will leave you blister and burn,
Although you know no choice is so slow,
Lagging in the mud with dragging feet cold blood,
Shiver at the sight of a man focused on plight,
Easy to see that the mind plagues me,
Too quick to think yet to act I only sink,
It happens that my actions are only subtractions,
Gather information to dwell on strangulation,
To suffocate my will so it ends up bitter still,
Filled with nill to dab my quill to express tranquil,
Powerless to witness the mistress born guiltless,
Conscience it would seem was absent for conference,
When time bleeds slow to mend and let grow,
Or let go of past mistakes idleness task makes,
Breath breaks silence otherwise violence,
Not since a fateful day still thought of in dismay
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Magic Trick
Though it seems hard I can find the card,
A magic trick to paralyze the sick,
A greener grass that I tend to pass,
Glimpse of joy yet I fail to employ,
It exists in time a distant chime,
Derail train of sorrow to try and borrow,
If only briefly I hold it dearly but meekly,
Then it's gone as if it was a con,
Sincere at first to satisfy a thirst,
Left me dry turn to see wave of goodbye,
I know I will see the wind blow,
Flow at my back so free and on track,
Unstoppable force with no feelings of remorse,
The sun rising as my soul lifts over horizons,
Drifting in warmth a vision of fission,
Split good and bad to exist so glad
A magic trick to paralyze the sick,
A greener grass that I tend to pass,
Glimpse of joy yet I fail to employ,
It exists in time a distant chime,
Derail train of sorrow to try and borrow,
If only briefly I hold it dearly but meekly,
Then it's gone as if it was a con,
Sincere at first to satisfy a thirst,
Left me dry turn to see wave of goodbye,
I know I will see the wind blow,
Flow at my back so free and on track,
Unstoppable force with no feelings of remorse,
The sun rising as my soul lifts over horizons,
Drifting in warmth a vision of fission,
Split good and bad to exist so glad
Shallow & Useless
Thought too long to wait for a song,
Spirit in music to grasp and use it,
Frivolous excuses were shallow and useless,
Lethargic ambition my malady caused friction,
Too coarse of heart it shadowed my start,
Forecast is gloomy unclear how it doomed me,
A mind with no love felt shattered all above,
The picture is clear I forgot what is dear,
Focused on desire but gave up anything higher,
Or possibly I knew all along those who dwelt among,
Demons inside that fed off my will to hide,
Withdraw to my shell safeguard from this hell,
Burning with passion lost small ration,
Flicker and fade this escapade was frayed,
Left with a light so tiny yet so bright,
Fright would fool me had a bizarre unruly,
Disguised as strength though opposite it sank,
How funny it seems I was convinced in my dreams
Spirit in music to grasp and use it,
Frivolous excuses were shallow and useless,
Lethargic ambition my malady caused friction,
Too coarse of heart it shadowed my start,
Forecast is gloomy unclear how it doomed me,
A mind with no love felt shattered all above,
The picture is clear I forgot what is dear,
Focused on desire but gave up anything higher,
Or possibly I knew all along those who dwelt among,
Demons inside that fed off my will to hide,
Withdraw to my shell safeguard from this hell,
Burning with passion lost small ration,
Flicker and fade this escapade was frayed,
Left with a light so tiny yet so bright,
Fright would fool me had a bizarre unruly,
Disguised as strength though opposite it sank,
How funny it seems I was convinced in my dreams
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
One Third
Slumber is bliss yet I prolong the abyss,
Hours pass with this time spent crass,
Deep thoughts seem to leap as I try to sleep,
Flying above I attempt to grasp,
Slips through and falls my time elapse,
Pulling me away I can't forget them today,
Resolved in earnest stop I say,
Halt the mind as it begins to unwind,
Swirling in darkness the eyes grow heavy,
Weary of thoughts I charge them to levy,
Slowly sinking I feel black approach,
Counting backwards sleep I coach,
Deep breath to calm and leave me at ease,
Bring forth a dream so I may float on a breeze
Hours pass with this time spent crass,
Deep thoughts seem to leap as I try to sleep,
Flying above I attempt to grasp,
Slips through and falls my time elapse,
Pulling me away I can't forget them today,
Resolved in earnest stop I say,
Halt the mind as it begins to unwind,
Swirling in darkness the eyes grow heavy,
Weary of thoughts I charge them to levy,
Slowly sinking I feel black approach,
Counting backwards sleep I coach,
Deep breath to calm and leave me at ease,
Bring forth a dream so I may float on a breeze
Sometimes my mind wanders into the past,
Be it regret or joy the moments don't last,
Occurring more frequent as time drifts on,
Searching and hoping for wisdom to draw upon,
However my mind twists into a sorrowful spiral,
Innately viral these thoughts form a trial,
Mile for mile the tangents grow thicker,
My mind warps and the blood grows sicker,
Low and behold my nature duly unfold,
Realization is rich yet it's infinitely sour,
Clouded images swim through a shower,
Raining down like nails from a tower,
Bleeding profusely I loathe what truth be,
Horrors so vivid wicked I seem timid,
Doubt fills my eyes a vision I despise,
The web of lies spreads disease like flies,
Futile escape for this hole I forsake,
Return once again my dark lonely lake
Be it regret or joy the moments don't last,
Occurring more frequent as time drifts on,
Searching and hoping for wisdom to draw upon,
However my mind twists into a sorrowful spiral,
Innately viral these thoughts form a trial,
Mile for mile the tangents grow thicker,
My mind warps and the blood grows sicker,
Low and behold my nature duly unfold,
Realization is rich yet it's infinitely sour,
Clouded images swim through a shower,
Raining down like nails from a tower,
Bleeding profusely I loathe what truth be,
Horrors so vivid wicked I seem timid,
Doubt fills my eyes a vision I despise,
The web of lies spreads disease like flies,
Futile escape for this hole I forsake,
Return once again my dark lonely lake
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wasted life spent shy and timid,
Video stimulation my outlet seemed gifted,
Precious memories of foes vanquished,
Heroes, champions, righteous and anxious,
I adore it so although life beckons below,
Felt inside as though I failed to grow,
Stayed a child with no ambition to show,
Simply completing a chapter was all I wanted,
Taunted by peers the echoes haunted,
Come out and play the dismal display,
To hear it everyday no sir not today,
I have things to do I must seek and slay,
But that's all you do we want your laughter,
To hear your jokes and still laugh after,
Can't you see what you're missing,
You are alone and always dismissing,
Soon we won't call you won't know us at all,
Come throw the ball stay strong and tall,
I'm sorry my friends but I have a purpose,
Unknown currently that it's unfathomably worthless,
My heart keeps me here, safe with nothing to fear,
Now I don't enjoy your company this is all I adhere,
Tales of dragons and knights in shining armor,
Engulfed myself with all it could offer,
Peace and tranquility with bird's eye bliss,
I am this hero and my life I won't miss,
For you see this is me and it's all I wanted to be,
I'm not lost can't you see that I'm free,
Comrades in arms they will forever love me,
Salute with respect I can turn to anytime,
Damsels in distress I truly fight crime,
The real world is pain and I have little to gain,
Excel in books until something new refrain,
It calls to me, pleading me to venture forth,
I heed it happily and journey north,
After I win I grew to be tired,
Bored of old scores through metal wired,
Sick of sitting and doing nothing,
Now I want more but endure only suffering,
For I have forgotten friends and lost social trends,
Abstract and alone forsaken my mind blood rends,
All I have is the glowing screen I loathe to be seen,
Shriveled and ghoulish my pale youth malnourished,
Recall what once was but will never be,
Long for times passed that foster bitter empathy,
My hole is dark and once again the glow calls me
Video stimulation my outlet seemed gifted,
Precious memories of foes vanquished,
Heroes, champions, righteous and anxious,
I adore it so although life beckons below,
Felt inside as though I failed to grow,
Stayed a child with no ambition to show,
Simply completing a chapter was all I wanted,
Taunted by peers the echoes haunted,
Come out and play the dismal display,
To hear it everyday no sir not today,
I have things to do I must seek and slay,
But that's all you do we want your laughter,
To hear your jokes and still laugh after,
Can't you see what you're missing,
You are alone and always dismissing,
Soon we won't call you won't know us at all,
Come throw the ball stay strong and tall,
I'm sorry my friends but I have a purpose,
Unknown currently that it's unfathomably worthless,
My heart keeps me here, safe with nothing to fear,
Now I don't enjoy your company this is all I adhere,
Tales of dragons and knights in shining armor,
Engulfed myself with all it could offer,
Peace and tranquility with bird's eye bliss,
I am this hero and my life I won't miss,
For you see this is me and it's all I wanted to be,
I'm not lost can't you see that I'm free,
Comrades in arms they will forever love me,
Salute with respect I can turn to anytime,
Damsels in distress I truly fight crime,
The real world is pain and I have little to gain,
Excel in books until something new refrain,
It calls to me, pleading me to venture forth,
I heed it happily and journey north,
After I win I grew to be tired,
Bored of old scores through metal wired,
Sick of sitting and doing nothing,
Now I want more but endure only suffering,
For I have forgotten friends and lost social trends,
Abstract and alone forsaken my mind blood rends,
All I have is the glowing screen I loathe to be seen,
Shriveled and ghoulish my pale youth malnourished,
Recall what once was but will never be,
Long for times passed that foster bitter empathy,
My hole is dark and once again the glow calls me
At sixteen I was naive and gullible,
I had few friends and got into trouble,
One said to me come try this you'll see,
Life can be better enjoy it with me,
Let me see I'm curious of what you speak,
Easily led for my courage is weak,
It started so innocent but things get worse,
The hunger for more to quench the thirst,
Downward my spiral restricted my vice,
No sir I refuse and don't bother ask twice,
I have found my love and this is what suits me,
New faces rejoice and hand me the key,
Entry to friendship although far from it be,
All they want is my life such a small price,
Buy now and we'll throw in a new vice,
What a deal oh the steal how can this be real,
The bargain of death was impossible and surreal,
Years go by like the sound of thunder,
Flash my past which is torn asunder,
Memory fades as my will is betrayed,
Apathy encircles me I fear I am dismayed,
Jaded with all that I've done,
Family not forgiven I am broken one,
I apologize can't you see it's not my fault?
My life was bland I just wanted to add salt,
Spices and sugars to enrich this time,
I was swallowed deep and served with lime,
The new kid is here let us all take advantage,
I was tricked into lethargy it became my bandage,
Cover my wounds of sorrow so easily,
But then it vanished my soul ceased to be,
Eventually all who tried fell away viral shed,
Those who fed and led the dread into my head,
I gave them my life and let them benefit,
This is my bed and now I will lay in it
I had few friends and got into trouble,
One said to me come try this you'll see,
Life can be better enjoy it with me,
Let me see I'm curious of what you speak,
Easily led for my courage is weak,
It started so innocent but things get worse,
The hunger for more to quench the thirst,
Downward my spiral restricted my vice,
No sir I refuse and don't bother ask twice,
I have found my love and this is what suits me,
New faces rejoice and hand me the key,
Entry to friendship although far from it be,
All they want is my life such a small price,
Buy now and we'll throw in a new vice,
What a deal oh the steal how can this be real,
The bargain of death was impossible and surreal,
Years go by like the sound of thunder,
Flash my past which is torn asunder,
Memory fades as my will is betrayed,
Apathy encircles me I fear I am dismayed,
Jaded with all that I've done,
Family not forgiven I am broken one,
I apologize can't you see it's not my fault?
My life was bland I just wanted to add salt,
Spices and sugars to enrich this time,
I was swallowed deep and served with lime,
The new kid is here let us all take advantage,
I was tricked into lethargy it became my bandage,
Cover my wounds of sorrow so easily,
But then it vanished my soul ceased to be,
Eventually all who tried fell away viral shed,
Those who fed and led the dread into my head,
I gave them my life and let them benefit,
This is my bed and now I will lay in it
My Captain
My captain, my captain,
What is this world, we are trapped in?
Held captive, with no action,
Our will is bound infernal contraption,
Lost in unknown land situation demand,
Mercy stroke of the hand smuggle contraband,
Struggle to freedom from this plight,
Fright afflicts every night forsaken but right,
Bring joy to its people a treasure with no equal,
Famished and meek will to pray for wheat still,
Light gone from my eyes death closing I despise,
Why must this happen, rot in vile my captain
What is this world, we are trapped in?
Held captive, with no action,
Our will is bound infernal contraption,
Lost in unknown land situation demand,
Mercy stroke of the hand smuggle contraband,
Struggle to freedom from this plight,
Fright afflicts every night forsaken but right,
Bring joy to its people a treasure with no equal,
Famished and meek will to pray for wheat still,
Light gone from my eyes death closing I despise,
Why must this happen, rot in vile my captain
Venom Stare
Lion's roar more to ignore,
Ship crash on rocky shore,
To hear the sound echo hallowed ground,
Eclipse a demon horned face round,
Silent nature with vivid scripture,
I see a glimpse of demonic tincture,
Calling with venom stare gaping tear,
Black cancer heart I loathe to share
Ship crash on rocky shore,
To hear the sound echo hallowed ground,
Eclipse a demon horned face round,
Silent nature with vivid scripture,
I see a glimpse of demonic tincture,
Calling with venom stare gaping tear,
Black cancer heart I loathe to share
Feel more with heart open like door,
Swing it shut when insults soar,
Jaded manipulated we held high hopes before,
Although forgotten it remains inside,
Swallowed deep, with nowhere to hide,
Writhing skin pale coming tide,
Glowing within and ready to burst,
Slowly rising but who will come first,
Feel the lust, a growing thirst
Swing it shut when insults soar,
Jaded manipulated we held high hopes before,
Although forgotten it remains inside,
Swallowed deep, with nowhere to hide,
Writhing skin pale coming tide,
Glowing within and ready to burst,
Slowly rising but who will come first,
Feel the lust, a growing thirst
Fates Gavel
Minds twine to find a true sign,
Languid lost lofting loves line,
Fear driven to lose what is dear,
Unraveled and traveled fates gavel,
Ominous luminous hope of virtuous,
Righteous intention moral ascension,
Bonds abscond fond of dawn to fawn,
Gallantly garnish garner gift gone
Languid lost lofting loves line,
Fear driven to lose what is dear,
Unraveled and traveled fates gavel,
Ominous luminous hope of virtuous,
Righteous intention moral ascension,
Bonds abscond fond of dawn to fawn,
Gallantly garnish garner gift gone
Scorched Memory
Mind rot twisted torment I forgot,
Love bitter sweet sick have not,
Gouge hole to breathe shallow soul,
Wicked words burnt taken their toll,
Hard drink quick think dont sink,
Life half empty suicidal brink,
Death shadow whole hollow to swallow,
Scorched memory but remember tomorrow
Love bitter sweet sick have not,
Gouge hole to breathe shallow soul,
Wicked words burnt taken their toll,
Hard drink quick think dont sink,
Life half empty suicidal brink,
Death shadow whole hollow to swallow,
Scorched memory but remember tomorrow
Amber Waves
Melodies bring memories leave me ill at ease,
Feelings of old heart turned cold,
Winter breeze brings me to my knees,
Jolted to a revolted body so bold,
Fear so far yet so near rear all I hear,
First emotions mixed with failed commotions,
Someone I held dear yet they seemed to veer,
Notions misunderstood bred my love potions,
Mere thoughts at a time but now seem to sear,
Burn with intensity of wine led to but still decline,
It hurts to remember of that sweet December
To render my heart splinter return to sender,
I yearn for familiar yet cold shoulder my beholder,
Gift of passion short and fleeting,
Self defeating my actions of needing,
Torn from inside with vice to hide,
Yet it soars and I can't keep it down,
Face will frown to admit I did drown,
Lost in the moment but I still try to own it,
Pull me up when I fall yet no one is there at all,
Imagine what once was, blind to what love does,
Or maybe it was something else, Cupid tried to sell us,
Possibly sold to me, I let it crumble bitterly,
Reminisce of times missed I long for her kiss
Feelings of old heart turned cold,
Winter breeze brings me to my knees,
Jolted to a revolted body so bold,
Fear so far yet so near rear all I hear,
First emotions mixed with failed commotions,
Someone I held dear yet they seemed to veer,
Notions misunderstood bred my love potions,
Mere thoughts at a time but now seem to sear,
Burn with intensity of wine led to but still decline,
It hurts to remember of that sweet December
To render my heart splinter return to sender,
I yearn for familiar yet cold shoulder my beholder,
Gift of passion short and fleeting,
Self defeating my actions of needing,
Torn from inside with vice to hide,
Yet it soars and I can't keep it down,
Face will frown to admit I did drown,
Lost in the moment but I still try to own it,
Pull me up when I fall yet no one is there at all,
Imagine what once was, blind to what love does,
Or maybe it was something else, Cupid tried to sell us,
Possibly sold to me, I let it crumble bitterly,
Reminisce of times missed I long for her kiss
Fickle Fist
Tattered face of evil must chase,
Strength in wrong but solemn it haste,
Forever sour but bitter sweet,
Kings of men trampled beneath,
Order in chaos neat yet unruly,
Fickle fist of wicker twist and woolly,
Collapsed lung exhaust breathless truly,
To admit a failure languish in cruelty
Strength in wrong but solemn it haste,
Forever sour but bitter sweet,
Kings of men trampled beneath,
Order in chaos neat yet unruly,
Fickle fist of wicker twist and woolly,
Collapsed lung exhaust breathless truly,
To admit a failure languish in cruelty
Never Clever
Never clever whatever it may be,
To see a horror horrid but lovely,
Thoughts mixed like sand in a glass,
Grains of pain refrain insane class,
Corpse devour sour sprouted flower,
Born into life but death in an hour,
Ignite flame to blame or frame,
Accuse the muse who defamed my name
To see a horror horrid but lovely,
Thoughts mixed like sand in a glass,
Grains of pain refrain insane class,
Corpse devour sour sprouted flower,
Born into life but death in an hour,
Ignite flame to blame or frame,
Accuse the muse who defamed my name
Thorny Crown
Black is seen as endless,
Hollow and dark, fruitless,
Or is it simply misunderstood,
A hidden light drowned but good,
It wants to be free, shackled down,
Tormented by its shell, thorny crown,
Cracked along the edge, ripe to burst,
It feeds off belief, to quench its thirst
Hollow and dark, fruitless,
Or is it simply misunderstood,
A hidden light drowned but good,
It wants to be free, shackled down,
Tormented by its shell, thorny crown,
Cracked along the edge, ripe to burst,
It feeds off belief, to quench its thirst
My Mind
I see a hole in the wall,
Did I put it there? Or not at all,
It shrinks and grows every hour,
Fluctuate and vibrate with immense power,
As if to explode and humble my existence,
A glimpse to understand to make sense,
A force unknown and perplexed to act,
It is my mind, projected but retract
Did I put it there? Or not at all,
It shrinks and grows every hour,
Fluctuate and vibrate with immense power,
As if to explode and humble my existence,
A glimpse to understand to make sense,
A force unknown and perplexed to act,
It is my mind, projected but retract
Analytical Reservation
Unfathomable wall so quick to stall,
A breath of hesitation analytical reservation,
Fight or flight instinctive insight,
Lessons learned ever longing yearned,
The table has turned indecision discerned,
Take a hard right to avoid angel light,
Surreal sensation engulfed escalation,
We choose to fall and forsake the call
A breath of hesitation analytical reservation,
Fight or flight instinctive insight,
Lessons learned ever longing yearned,
The table has turned indecision discerned,
Take a hard right to avoid angel light,
Surreal sensation engulfed escalation,
We choose to fall and forsake the call
Tales of the Morrow
Tempers frothing on frail ice lake,
Words hard spoken sail through thick,
Calms of crashing trail of wake,
Remorse left rotten fish so sick,
Pale horse rise moon's eclipse,
Sorrow of the morrow tale left not,
Sunken lost timeless ghost ships,
Forgotten treasure, have will or have not
Words hard spoken sail through thick,
Calms of crashing trail of wake,
Remorse left rotten fish so sick,
Pale horse rise moon's eclipse,
Sorrow of the morrow tale left not,
Sunken lost timeless ghost ships,
Forgotten treasure, have will or have not
Suicidal Tendencies
Choking for air, emotions wrought with despair.
A mind perplexed to act, with no will it will retract,
Glimpse into a sorrow, strings darkened the morrow,
A life to serve a purpose, unfathomably worthless,
Gouged from my shell, frivolous futile hell,
Standing in a sea of black, not a light to guide one back,
Reckless mental abandon, manifest safety to land in,
Solicit exquisite facade to cloud the truely odd
A mind perplexed to act, with no will it will retract,
Glimpse into a sorrow, strings darkened the morrow,
A life to serve a purpose, unfathomably worthless,
Gouged from my shell, frivolous futile hell,
Standing in a sea of black, not a light to guide one back,
Reckless mental abandon, manifest safety to land in,
Solicit exquisite facade to cloud the truely odd
Destiny manifest like a blade through yo chest,
Catch a glimpse or a gleam shatter hope through the seam,
Choke the life of the weak we are bred to kill the meak,
Drunk the soul feel the power time is now final hour,
Eclipsed forfeit don't quit don't slip hold yo grip,
Loosen and ya fail tighten only prevail,
Let go feel the flow time is short death is slow,
Read or write alls the same live to fight make your name
Catch a glimpse or a gleam shatter hope through the seam,
Choke the life of the weak we are bred to kill the meak,
Drunk the soul feel the power time is now final hour,
Eclipsed forfeit don't quit don't slip hold yo grip,
Loosen and ya fail tighten only prevail,
Let go feel the flow time is short death is slow,
Read or write alls the same live to fight make your name
What do you see?
Discover the will to thrill a breath of life,
Powerless to our seemingly shrill bitter strife,
Honor is found, to become one is bound,
Joined with a purpose similar sound,
Life's circle's always round,
One's decisions influence visions of real livin,
Take a moment to grasp what you been givin,
Understand or sympathize to see through these eyes,
Infiltrate, manipulate take em to death if he lies
Powerless to our seemingly shrill bitter strife,
Honor is found, to become one is bound,
Joined with a purpose similar sound,
Life's circle's always round,
One's decisions influence visions of real livin,
Take a moment to grasp what you been givin,
Understand or sympathize to see through these eyes,
Infiltrate, manipulate take em to death if he lies
The five stages got my mind in rampages,
Can't say this, denial's bled through the pages,
Anger killin me, can't escape the villainy,
Choke the sympathy, rehash futility,
Got me pleadin for a redo, sell my soul if i need to,
Reality cold like an igloo, divine lost like Waterloo,
Burnin hard from the start, poison impale of the heart,
Purity fills my chart, life goes on do my part
Can't say this, denial's bled through the pages,
Anger killin me, can't escape the villainy,
Choke the sympathy, rehash futility,
Got me pleadin for a redo, sell my soul if i need to,
Reality cold like an igloo, divine lost like Waterloo,
Burnin hard from the start, poison impale of the heart,
Purity fills my chart, life goes on do my part
Believe in what's true, ignore conspiracy,
Blood boils at the sight of turmoils,
Food spoils, deserted hard soils,
Veteran of the urban no fear no burden,
Futile struggle, humble before the muzzle,
Laugh in the face of tyranny, folded hands no villainy,
Complacency killin me, douse the ego ritually
See to believe, or have faith no reprieve,
Your eyes do not deceive, a pattern delicate weave,
Visualize a passion for with or not of action,
Relapsin to old phase leaves one in a maze,
Blood stays, lingers in the earth for days,
Dance with the Devil can level so many ways,
Are you amazed, how easily one would forget,
Tears and sweat, honorable existence if you let
Your eyes do not deceive, a pattern delicate weave,
Visualize a passion for with or not of action,
Relapsin to old phase leaves one in a maze,
Blood stays, lingers in the earth for days,
Dance with the Devil can level so many ways,
Are you amazed, how easily one would forget,
Tears and sweat, honorable existence if you let
Some people tell me, once twice or more,
Mentally psycho, corrupt to the core,
Rage subsided, only to be excited,
Burnin high with, gasoline to ignite it,
Never sighted, lurkin in the dark,
Fury spark, chomp like a shark,
Disposed like a narc, never to be found,
Buried alive in the ground, echoes no sound,
Horrors abound, searing ghostly ghouls,
Feed from feeble fools, simply used as tools,
Make your own rules, start a new chapter,
Live your life for now, dont think for after
Mentally psycho, corrupt to the core,
Rage subsided, only to be excited,
Burnin high with, gasoline to ignite it,
Never sighted, lurkin in the dark,
Fury spark, chomp like a shark,
Disposed like a narc, never to be found,
Buried alive in the ground, echoes no sound,
Horrors abound, searing ghostly ghouls,
Feed from feeble fools, simply used as tools,
Make your own rules, start a new chapter,
Live your life for now, dont think for after
Killin Time
Tomorrow breeds cold thunder,
Light and strike bright wonder,
Too calculated for a purpose,
Murder yourself so worthless,
Do it slowly like us all,
A favor infinite withdrawal,
Horned devil at your back,
Walk with or attack,
Give up the soul eternity,
Bless the rest uncertainty,
Doubt feeds the mind,
Whirlwind rewind decline,
Deeper to my design,
Unfortunate echo surface,
Defeat your own forfeits,
Uncover an agenda,
Hidden dark pretender,
Render synapse collapse,
Perhaps the tracks are wax,
Melted before your eyes,
Vanish with no disguise,
To surmise the true evil,
Justice can be deceitful
Light and strike bright wonder,
Too calculated for a purpose,
Murder yourself so worthless,
Do it slowly like us all,
A favor infinite withdrawal,
Horned devil at your back,
Walk with or attack,
Give up the soul eternity,
Bless the rest uncertainty,
Doubt feeds the mind,
Whirlwind rewind decline,
Deeper to my design,
Unfortunate echo surface,
Defeat your own forfeits,
Uncover an agenda,
Hidden dark pretender,
Render synapse collapse,
Perhaps the tracks are wax,
Melted before your eyes,
Vanish with no disguise,
To surmise the true evil,
Justice can be deceitful
A look upon, a sight so glorious,
Stare in wonder, hear a chorus,
A thought so deep, look through yourself,
See the unseen, step off the shelf,
Some may ask, where you ponder,
Where it is, your mind doth wonder,
Words no justice, pictures unclear,
Gaze upon the future, ever so near
Stare in wonder, hear a chorus,
A thought so deep, look through yourself,
See the unseen, step off the shelf,
Some may ask, where you ponder,
Where it is, your mind doth wonder,
Words no justice, pictures unclear,
Gaze upon the future, ever so near
Cold shine
Soft words, whispered light,
Coded metaphors, heard tonight,
Decrypt a lesson, unsung thoughts,
Unravel potential, idleness rots,
Overcome terror, live freely,
Honor is found, lost so easy,
Killing time, or time kills you,
Waste not, humility followed through
Coded metaphors, heard tonight,
Decrypt a lesson, unsung thoughts,
Unravel potential, idleness rots,
Overcome terror, live freely,
Honor is found, lost so easy,
Killing time, or time kills you,
Waste not, humility followed through
Between a rock
Back against the wall,
No one left to call,
Search but no avail,
A ship without a sail,
Floating in the ocean,
A will with no emotion,
Destiny the greatest,
Suffocate your tempest
No one left to call,
Search but no avail,
A ship without a sail,
Floating in the ocean,
A will with no emotion,
Destiny the greatest,
Suffocate your tempest
Too much
Destroy whats left immortal conquest,
Feast upon disease corrupted guest,
Search to see without empathy,
Forsaken path crumble to knee,
The turn will burn until it escape,
Brutal yet hollow follows a shape,
Invisible to me but not to you,
Blindfolded the dream a dream of two
Feast upon disease corrupted guest,
Search to see without empathy,
Forsaken path crumble to knee,
The turn will burn until it escape,
Brutal yet hollow follows a shape,
Invisible to me but not to you,
Blindfolded the dream a dream of two
Drops of Lost
Darkness clouds vivid picture,
Tomorrow night's bitter elixir,
The wave of emotion crash and flow,
Too much to handle please let go,
A scene so clean manipulate the dream,
Unravel unwind pull apart every seam,
Only upon one's reflection is it clear,
Open your eyes, the answer isn't here.
Tomorrow night's bitter elixir,
The wave of emotion crash and flow,
Too much to handle please let go,
A scene so clean manipulate the dream,
Unravel unwind pull apart every seam,
Only upon one's reflection is it clear,
Open your eyes, the answer isn't here.
His name was Clown
Senor Clown used Ticonderoga pencils,
Throw 9 or 10 at a time with serious skills,
Senor Bacon, Senor Massive, and Vladmir,
All comin at the Clown plottin with fear,
Help from the Monkeys, and Senor Stick too,
Lil Beesh and Massive formed their own crew,
The Colonel, the Dead Pig Society,
All obsessed with bacon, their insanity,
Duels to the death, the duo escapes the fallout,
Nukes exploded, world imploded, stop for gas n chill out,
Home on the moon, dine in for two,
Stick to space like glue
Throw 9 or 10 at a time with serious skills,
Senor Bacon, Senor Massive, and Vladmir,
All comin at the Clown plottin with fear,
Help from the Monkeys, and Senor Stick too,
Lil Beesh and Massive formed their own crew,
The Colonel, the Dead Pig Society,
All obsessed with bacon, their insanity,
Duels to the death, the duo escapes the fallout,
Nukes exploded, world imploded, stop for gas n chill out,
Home on the moon, dine in for two,
Stick to space like glue
Take it easy
If I had a rocket ship I'd fly to the moon,
Maybe not get there but someday soon,
I could float amongst the starry abyss,
Dazin at the blazin suns ya never miss,
Drop a twilight upon the moonlight,
Save the best ones for those who are right,
The cloudy gasses bend the rays,
Coastin cruisin for the rest of my days
Trust can be given, it can also be earned,
Sometimes like a bridge, so easily burned,
The naive will take time, the gullible even more,
A rat bastard snake takes advantage like a whore,
When the time comes, things will appear wrong,
A hand slapped back, stayed in far too long,
Take a moment to think and understand,
See through the cowards, just like you planned
Sometimes like a bridge, so easily burned,
The naive will take time, the gullible even more,
A rat bastard snake takes advantage like a whore,
When the time comes, things will appear wrong,
A hand slapped back, stayed in far too long,
Take a moment to think and understand,
See through the cowards, just like you planned
Forever Sacred
I try so hard, to make things better,
Differences and choices, torn by the letter,
I make my own path, and I pave it well,
Even though I'm misguided, I'm sure you can tell,
A crossroads that develops into a puzzle,
As if my life is eclipsed by a muzzle,
A pressure, a focus, something not clear,
The driving need, to accomplish what I fear,
It's not so easy, to achieve what you want,
Consequences, and voices that taunt,
Sometimes I think, why should I bother,
I know I'm not perfect, I hope that's ok with you father
Differences and choices, torn by the letter,
I make my own path, and I pave it well,
Even though I'm misguided, I'm sure you can tell,
A crossroads that develops into a puzzle,
As if my life is eclipsed by a muzzle,
A pressure, a focus, something not clear,
The driving need, to accomplish what I fear,
It's not so easy, to achieve what you want,
Consequences, and voices that taunt,
Sometimes I think, why should I bother,
I know I'm not perfect, I hope that's ok with you father
Emotionally Blind
Accidents, mishaps and things of nature,
Terminate the consequence of the creator,
A world without living is not a world at all,
Deaths comes naturally, no avoiding the fall,
Take each day and live it to the fullest,
Sometimes our minds only focus on the cruelest,
It's what's right in front of us, that we pay the cost,
Ironic, that we don't appreciate till it's lost
Terminate the consequence of the creator,
A world without living is not a world at all,
Deaths comes naturally, no avoiding the fall,
Take each day and live it to the fullest,
Sometimes our minds only focus on the cruelest,
It's what's right in front of us, that we pay the cost,
Ironic, that we don't appreciate till it's lost
The beat of a drum
Pick up the sticks, play a steady beat,
The bass needs some help, help with your feet,
I only just started, skills I never knew,
Abilities to transform create what I can do,
An adaption, the mind creates the link,
It's not that hard, jus try not to think,
Let the highs and lows flow through you,
A symphony to create an epiphany past due
The bass needs some help, help with your feet,
I only just started, skills I never knew,
Abilities to transform create what I can do,
An adaption, the mind creates the link,
It's not that hard, jus try not to think,
Let the highs and lows flow through you,
A symphony to create an epiphany past due
Always by my side
Music so loud, listen for the plea,
A pet without it's master, it wants only me,
It's cry, the whelp, please let me in!
Normally I can open it, the drunk guy made a spin,
A fall, a collapse, he fucked up the door,
This handle won't open for me anymore,
I hear you, I know what to listen for,
It's ok Darwin, I'm here, and the door is open evermore
A pet without it's master, it wants only me,
It's cry, the whelp, please let me in!
Normally I can open it, the drunk guy made a spin,
A fall, a collapse, he fucked up the door,
This handle won't open for me anymore,
I hear you, I know what to listen for,
It's ok Darwin, I'm here, and the door is open evermore
Eye of the beholder
The world I see is blind to me,
Unknown are those, the horrors I flee,
Deep within the mind, a devilish nature,
Wanting, needing, searching for rapture,
Heed not, want not, you are not welcome here,
Invasive intruder intimidates with fear,
Clouded minds will always suffer,
Failure to realize who is tougher,
The mind, the body, separated by spirit,
The truth is known to you, but you won't hear it
Unknown are those, the horrors I flee,
Deep within the mind, a devilish nature,
Wanting, needing, searching for rapture,
Heed not, want not, you are not welcome here,
Invasive intruder intimidates with fear,
Clouded minds will always suffer,
Failure to realize who is tougher,
The mind, the body, separated by spirit,
The truth is known to you, but you won't hear it
Hearing Loss
A subtle voice, instrumental bliss,
Harmonious notes impossible to miss,
Drifting gliding soaring through time,
Falls upon new ears a ring or chime,
The muse has spoken, heed or decline,
Create the legacy, walk the line,
Obstacles surround those with dreams,
Jealously snapping, grasping for seams,
A string, a loose end, something left forgotten,
Unfortunate consequence for he who is rotten
Harmonious notes impossible to miss,
Drifting gliding soaring through time,
Falls upon new ears a ring or chime,
The muse has spoken, heed or decline,
Create the legacy, walk the line,
Obstacles surround those with dreams,
Jealously snapping, grasping for seams,
A string, a loose end, something left forgotten,
Unfortunate consequence for he who is rotten
Word for word
A skillful use of words and rhymes,
Untimely creation spontaneous designs,
Wrote for quote letter by letter,
Expressing yourself, what could be better,
A hidden message between the lines,
Possibly obvious ubiquitous signs,
Seek to understand, then to be understood,
A powerful lesson, to learn bad from good
Untimely creation spontaneous designs,
Wrote for quote letter by letter,
Expressing yourself, what could be better,
A hidden message between the lines,
Possibly obvious ubiquitous signs,
Seek to understand, then to be understood,
A powerful lesson, to learn bad from good
To understand, to sympathize,
Feel the life, through another's eyes,
Focus not, on words or motions,
Anticipate behavior through one's actions,
A judgment left held, a fist not swung,
Ignorant to see, brainwashed by tongue,
A letter not sent, a yell not heard,
Cast doubt upon actions, reveal how absurd,
Unlock the truth, open your mind,
We are all the same, all the same we unwind
Feel the life, through another's eyes,
Focus not, on words or motions,
Anticipate behavior through one's actions,
A judgment left held, a fist not swung,
Ignorant to see, brainwashed by tongue,
A letter not sent, a yell not heard,
Cast doubt upon actions, reveal how absurd,
Unlock the truth, open your mind,
We are all the same, all the same we unwind
Eternal Life
Count the days, sit and laugh,
Feel the haze, eternal wrath,
A setting sun, permits no end,
Begins anew, the life ascend,
Above the clouds, harping call,
Ignore them not, futile fall,
Singing slowly, whispering sweet,
A life after an end, get back on your feet
Feel the haze, eternal wrath,
A setting sun, permits no end,
Begins anew, the life ascend,
Above the clouds, harping call,
Ignore them not, futile fall,
Singing slowly, whispering sweet,
A life after an end, get back on your feet
Broken Glass
Descend deeper down darker depths,
Creeping cooling collapse contacts,
Venture voluptuous violent vortex,
Forget phantoms for fickle frets,
Gaping ghastly grasping gadgets,
Tomorrow til tender tormented task,
Save sacrifice sensual superficial,
Buried below barely beginning
Creeping cooling collapse contacts,
Venture voluptuous violent vortex,
Forget phantoms for fickle frets,
Gaping ghastly grasping gadgets,
Tomorrow til tender tormented task,
Save sacrifice sensual superficial,
Buried below barely beginning
Solemn Duty
A man's decision determined through grief,
A soldier lying fallen, death within reach,
Turn the tides as if it were a leaf,
Too late for the lesson we can never teach,
Only hope brings life, to see it is to grow,
Hatred is rife, clarity will not sow,
A corrupt seed that propagates to form an agenda,
Unravel the mystery, tell them return to sender
A soldier lying fallen, death within reach,
Turn the tides as if it were a leaf,
Too late for the lesson we can never teach,
Only hope brings life, to see it is to grow,
Hatred is rife, clarity will not sow,
A corrupt seed that propagates to form an agenda,
Unravel the mystery, tell them return to sender
Wrath of Nature
A strong wind piercing the cold,
Fingertips numb from disaster's fold,
Vision blurry, night breeds wanting,
Shelter scurry, echoes haunting,
Discover life trampled through bitter strife,
Nature's grasp closing in like the edge of a knife
Fingertips numb from disaster's fold,
Vision blurry, night breeds wanting,
Shelter scurry, echoes haunting,
Discover life trampled through bitter strife,
Nature's grasp closing in like the edge of a knife
Where is the end?
Does it seem limitless, or something tangible?
I know where it is, but I can't find it.
I see where it is, but I don't know it.
A mirror reflected upon a mirror,
Does it seem clearer as you draw nearer?
The eyes deceive to understand what you perceive,
An image, a facade to thwart the true meaning,
The end is forever, seen only upon one's mortal sever.
Does it seem limitless, or something tangible?
I know where it is, but I can't find it.
I see where it is, but I don't know it.
A mirror reflected upon a mirror,
Does it seem clearer as you draw nearer?
The eyes deceive to understand what you perceive,
An image, a facade to thwart the true meaning,
The end is forever, seen only upon one's mortal sever.
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